EspEasy and Node Red each offer some automation possibilities on their own. But you get even more possibilities if you combine both systems. In the article ESPEasy - [...]
WeiterlesenCategory: ESP Easy Sensors & Actuators
HowTo: Anemosens - Building a 3D printed anemometer (wind sensor)
To be honest, the idea of a 3D printable wind sensor ("anemometer" in technical jargon) has been floating around in my head for quite a long time. Initially, I would have used it as a wind sensor for one of my weather stations [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy - Set time synchronization with the DS3231 / DS3232 RTC
Thanks to NTP server ESPEasy is able to retrieve the time via WiFi connection. This possibility can be set up very easily and is described for example here: ESPEasy - NTP time retrieval [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: PCB - Anemosens_MCU PCB assembly
With the Aenmosens_MCU board, it is possible to use Anemosens as a standalone anemometer that can be used for long-term observations in remote areas (hence the microSD card slot) or as another part of your weather station (hence the RS485 interface) [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: PCB - Building the Anemosens Sensor PCB
The Anemosens sensor PCB is the basis for the sensor setup of Anemosens a 3D printed anemometer that I developed for the second version of WinDIY. For this purpose on the PCB are [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_CassetteLamp
Meanwhile, MP3 players, smartphones and USB sticks with 128GB and more memory are part of everyday life. Storing and transporting music has therefore become easier than ever. About 30 years ago [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy - Connecting the APDS-9960 gesture sensor to the ESP8266 / ESP32 and reading it out
The APDS-9960 is a sensor that can be connected to a microcontroller like the ESP8266 via the I2C bus. With the help of the sensor it is possible to recognize simple gestures, which [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy - Connecting the VL53L0X / VL53L1X distance sensor to the ESP8266 / ESP32 and reading it out
The VL53L0x or its sister/brother, the VL53L1X is a very accurate and relatively inexpensive laser distance sensor. With this, distances can be measured almost to the millimeter. In one of my [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy - Connecting BME280 / BMP280 to the ESP8266 and reading it out
The BME280 is one of the sensors I use in almost all my projects. With this not only the temperature can be measured. Also the humidity and the air pressure [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy - Configure MQTT Server and Subscribe to Topics
ESPEasy can now read out and / or control many different sensors and actuators (see also ESPEasy - Sensors & actuators). The "Rules" can then be used locally on the ESP to [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy – connect the rotary encoder to the ESP8266 and evaluate it
Especially if your own circuit has a display to show values, the next step is to also connect a control option. You can connect pushbuttons or switches. A [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy – Connect and control the PCA9685 PWM port extension to the ESP8266
The PCA9685 is a quite practical IC. It is connected to the microcontroller (for example ESP8266) via I2C and can then control up to 16 individual PWM channels. So you can [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy – Connect and read LDR to Wemos D1 Mini
There are some situations in which the connection of an LDR to an ESP makes sense. This is because it is relatively easy and for little money to adjust the brightness in a room [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy - Using a PCA9685 to control servos
The PCA9685 is a PWM port expander. With this it is possible to connect up to 16 LEDs, servos or other components to your ESP8266 and supply them with a PWM signal. Thanks to [...]