- HowTo: pxlBlck - flashing firmware with the esp web tools directly from the browserFlashing the ESP8266 or ESP32 is not so easy if you have not had much contact with microcontrollers before.… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Firmware mit den esp web tools direkt aus dem Browser flashen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlDigit_clock with the pxlDigit PCBThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me while building the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-machen/). There the pxlDigit is made up of individual… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlDigit_clock mit dem pxlDigit PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: PCB - Building the pxlDigit_PCBThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me while building the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-machen/). There the pxlDigit is made up of individual… Read more: HowTo: PCB – Das pxlDigit_PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: PCB - pxlBlck_multiPCBOne of my past PCB projects is the “pxlBlck_multiPCB”. As the name suggests, this board is the heart of several future ones… Read more: HowTo: PCB – pxlBlck_multiPCB
- News: June 2021 - My projects for the HackadayPrize 2021A few days ago the Hackaday Prize 2021 was announced. It became clear to me relatively quickly that I wanted this too… Read more: News: Juni 2021 – Meine Projekte für den HackadayPrize 2021
Node Red
- HowTo: Integrate Zigbee – IKEA FYRTUR roller blind E1757 into Node Red via zigbee2mqttThe IKEA FYRTUR roller blind is a very simple way to retrofit your windows with an easily controllable roller blind. Thanks to… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – IKEA FYRTUR Rollo E1757 über zigbee2mqtt in Node Red einbinden
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading SMA Sunny Solar Inverter DataIn the articles, reading out data from an SMA EV CHARGER 22 wallbox and Node Red – SMA Sunny Home Manager data… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – SMA Sunny Solar Wechselrichter Daten auslesen
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading SMA Sunny Home Manager DataFor some time now there has also been an SMA inverter in my network (in addition to an SMA EV Charger 22 wallbox).… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – SMA Sunny Home Manager Daten auslesen
- HowTo: NodeRed - Presence detection via ping requestsIn order to be able to automate your own smart home properly, one function is quite important: Are residents present or not? Because… Read more: HowTo: NodeRed – Anwesenheitserkennung über Ping Anfragen
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading data from a SMA EV CHARGER 22 wallboxAn SMA EV Charger 22 wallbox has recently been added to my network. Of course, this is primarily used to… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Daten einer SMA EV CHARGER 22 Wallbox auslesen
ESP Easy
- HowTo: pxlBlck - flashing firmware with the esp web tools directly from the browserFlashing the ESP8266 or ESP32 is not so easy if you have not had much contact with microcontrollers before.… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Firmware mit den esp web tools direkt aus dem Browser flashen
- HowTo: Node Red - Controlling GPIO of an ESPEasy deviceEspEasy and Node Red each offer several automation options on their own. You get even more options if… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – GPIO eines ESPEasy Geräts steuern
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlDigit_clock with the pxlDigit PCBThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me while building the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-machen/). There the pxlDigit is made up of individual… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlDigit_clock mit dem pxlDigit PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: Anemosens - Building a 3D printed anemometer (wind sensor)To be honest, the idea of a 3D printable wind sensor ("anemometer" in technical jargon) has been floating around in my head for quite a long time. In the beginning… Read more: HowTo: Anemosens – Ein 3D gedrucktes Anemometer (windsensor) bauen
- HowTo: ESPEasy - Set time synchronization with the DS3231 / DS3232 RTCThanks to the NTP server, ESPEasy is able to retrieve the time via the WiFi connection. This option is very easy to set up… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – Zeitsynchronisation mit der DS3231 / DS3232 RTC einstellen
3D printing
- News - Summer 2024 - Current and future projectsIt's been a while since I've written anything about my current projects. Because even though I've already… Read more: News – Sommer 2024 – Aktuelle und zukünftige Projekte
- HowTo: MagicMirror - Build your own MagicMirrorWhen I moved into a new apartment, I was faced with a new (absolutely luxury) problem. My old MagicMirror that I have so far… Read more: HowTo: MagicMirror – Einen eigenen MagicMirror bauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - flashing firmware with the esp web tools directly from the browserFlashing the ESP8266 or ESP32 is not so easy if you have not had much contact with microcontrollers before.… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Firmware mit den esp web tools direkt aus dem Browser flashen
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Build your own NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS with a Raspberry Pi 4For the last few years, I've mostly relied on Synology NAS as my home storage solution. These come with a fancy… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS mit einem Raspberry Pi 4 selber bauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlDigit_clock with the pxlDigit PCBThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me while building the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-machen/). There the pxlDigit is made up of individual… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlDigit_clock mit dem pxlDigit PCB aufbauen
Raspberry Pi
- HowTo: MagicMirror - Build your own MagicMirrorWhen I moved into a new apartment, I was faced with a new (absolutely luxury) problem. My old MagicMirror that I have so far… Read more: HowTo: MagicMirror – Einen eigenen MagicMirror bauen
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Install PhotoPrism via Docker on the Raspberry PiPhotoPrism is a very cool software that you can use to locally manage your photo collection. Once your photos are set up… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – PhotoPrism via Docker auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Set up Windows share or SMB serverOf course, a NAS (Raspberry Pi – NetworkAttachedStorage / build your own NAS with a Raspberry Pi 4) is really practical… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Windows Freigabe bzw. SMB Server einrichten
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Show GPIO overview of the Raspberry Pi in the consoleThe Raspberry Pi is famous for many of its features. On the one hand there is the size, performance and (at times without… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – GPIO Übersicht des Raspberry Pi in der Konsole anzeigen
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading SMA Sunny Solar Inverter DataIn the articles, reading out data from an SMA EV CHARGER 22 wallbox and Node Red – SMA Sunny Home Manager data… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – SMA Sunny Solar Wechselrichter Daten auslesen
All posts
- News - Summer 2024 - Current and future projectsIt's been a while since I've written anything about my current projects. Because even though I haven't published a blog post for a long time, I've still been busy in the background. I've summarized everything that has happened and continues to happen in this post 🙂 Shop, Cults3d.com and Printables.com Some of them have… Read more: News – Sommer 2024 – Aktuelle und zukünftige Projekte
- HowTo: MagicMirror - Build your own MagicMirrorWhen I moved into a new apartment, I was faced with a new (absolutely luxury) problem. My old MagicMirror, which I had previously installed in my bathroom cabinet, could not move with me because it would no longer fit in the new bathroom cabinet. Since I didn't really want to miss out on the luxury, it was time for a new design.… Read more: HowTo: MagicMirror – Einen eigenen MagicMirror bauen
- HowTo/Test: Smart Home – Install and use a WeLock Touch41/Touch41 mini locking cylinderI have to admit, when the company WeLock contacted me and asked if I would be interested in testing the Touch41 or Touch41mini locking cylinder, I was skeptical at first. With the Touch41/Touch41mini locking cylinder system, it is possible to convert your own house or apartment door by simply replacing the locking cylinder so that you only need one to open and lock it… Read more: HowTo/Test: Smart Home – Ein WeLock Touch41/Touch41 mini Schließzylinder einbauen und nutzen
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Install PhotoPrism via Docker on the Raspberry PiPhotoPrism is a very cool software that you can use to locally manage your photo collection. Once set up, your photos are scanned and categorized using AI models. This means that you can later view the images not only sorted by person (thanks to facial recognition). It is also possible to view all beach photos, all photos with cars, animals… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – PhotoPrism via Docker auf dem Raspberry Pi installieren
- HowTo: Integrate Zigbee – IKEA FYRTUR roller blind E1757 into Node Red via zigbee2mqttThe IKEA FYRTUR roller blind is a very simple way to retrofit your windows with an easily controllable roller blind. Thanks to the Zigbee connection, you can then use this for all kinds of scenarios. For example, it is very easy to set up automatic opening at sunrise or automatic closing as soon as cinema mode is activated in the home cinema.… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – IKEA FYRTUR Rollo E1757 über zigbee2mqtt in Node Red einbinden
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Set up Windows share or SMB serverOf course, a NAS (Raspberry Pi – NetworkAttachedStorage / build your own NAS with a Raspberry Pi 4) only becomes really practical when you can access it from anywhere in the network. This is the only way data can be saved or accessed. There is of course the option to distribute media such as photos, videos or music… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Windows Freigabe bzw. SMB Server einrichten
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Show GPIO overview of the Raspberry Pi in the consoleThe Raspberry Pi is famous for many of its features. On the one hand, there is its size, performance and (in times without component shortages) also the price, which is really impressive for such a small, practical device. It has become famous as a "hobbyist computer" mainly because external hardware can be connected directly via its GPIO pins. So that… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – GPIO Übersicht des Raspberry Pi in der Konsole anzeigen
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading SMA Sunny Solar Inverter DataIn the articles Reading out data from an SMA EV CHARGER 22 wallbox and Reading out Node Red - SMA Sunny Home Manager data, I had already described how you can read out the respective measurement data. In addition to these SMA devices, there is also an SMA inverter in my network. The measurement data can of course also be read out. Like yours this one… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – SMA Sunny Solar Wechselrichter Daten auslesen
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Configure and activate ClamAV virus scannerAs a Windows user, you are used to a virus scanner always watching out somewhere in the background and immediately informing you of an infection with malware or taking action accordingly. I use Avira Free Security under Windows and am very satisfied with it. But of course this program doesn't run on my OpenMediaVault instance. How do I protect?… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Virenscanner ClamAV konfigurieren und aktivieren
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading SMA Sunny Home Manager DataFor some time now, my network (in addition to an SMA EV Charger 22 wallbox) has also included an SMA inverter for a photovoltaic system and an associated SMA Sunny Home Manager. The latter is installed in such a way that it can not only measure the energy fed into the grid. In addition, it also measures consumption. So you can do that… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – SMA Sunny Home Manager Daten auslesen
- HowTo: HowTo: Integrate Zigbee - Ikea TRADFRI Outlet E1603/E1702/E1708 via zigbee2mqtt in Node RedThe TRADFRI plug is a simple way to switch existing consumers such as lamps via your smart home system via Zigbee. The consumer can be switched on and off. At the same time, the socket also functions as a signal amplifier (repeater) for all other Zigbee devices. How to integrate the TRADFRI connector into your Node Red instance is described in the following article… Read more: HowTo: HowTo: Zigbee – Ikea TRADFRI Outlet E1603/E1702/E1708 über zigbee2mqtt in Node Red integrieren
- HowTo: NodeRed - Presence detection via ping requestsIn order to be able to automate your own smart home properly, one function is quite important: Are residents present or not? This is the only way the system can, for example, automatically deactivate the heaters, switch certain lights off or on or even activate the alarm functions. In the article Node Red / FritzBox – presence detection with the FritzBox I had… Read more: HowTo: NodeRed – Anwesenheitserkennung über Ping Anfragen
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Using Docker Container with OpenMediaVault OMV and PortainerAnother practical advantage of OpenMediaVault is that you can easily add additional functions thanks to the prepared Docker and Portainer installation. Docker containers are a type of software package that significantly simplify the distribution and installation of programs. Instead of having to install the desired program, you simply have to install the Docker container on your system… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – Docker Container mit OpenMediaVault OMV und Portainer nutzen
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Install DLNA Plugin for Media StreamingIn the article Raspberry Pi - Music streaming to the Raspberry Pi via DLNA client I already described how you can use the Raspberry Pi as a playback device for content from a DLNA server. DLNA describes a standard with which you can easily stream content across devices in your own network. This is how you can with the DLNA… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – DLNA Plugin für Medienstreaming installieren
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Set up external hard disk as driveAs the name of OpenMediaVault suggests, it is about managing media. Of course, you also need appropriate storage space. In the article Building NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS yourself from a RaspberryPi 4, I used an external USB hard drive. However, many other drives can also be used to expand storage space for your OpenMediaVault… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Externe Festplatte als Laufwerk einrichten
- HowTo: Zigbee - Electrolama zig-a-zig-ah! (zzh!) Coordinator USB stick with zigbee2mqtt firmware flashingIn the article Zigbee - Preparing a Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus for zigbee2mqtt I described how you can describe a Zigbee stick from Sonoff with the firmware for zigbee2mqtt. An alternative to this Zigbee stick is the Electrolama zig-a-zig-ah! (zzh!) Coordinator USB stick from Electrolama I found out how flashing works with this stick… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Electrolama zig-a-zig-ah! (zzh!) Coordinator USB-Stick mit zigbee2mqtt firmware flashen
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Create another userAs soon as you work with OpenMediaVault and use various services and plugins, it makes sense at some point to create a new user. This means you can set access rights in a controlled manner, which ultimately helps to increase security. How you can create a new user using OpenMediaVault is described in the following article. Requirements Helpful articles:Before you… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – Weiteren Benutzer erstellen
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Evaluate MPR121 touch sensor via I2C and Node RedThanks to the I2C bus, the Raspberry Pi can be equipped with a variety of practical sensors and actuators. The MPR121 offers a (in my opinion) very elegant option for user input. The MPR121 is a controller that makes it possible to evaluate up to 12 touch electrodes. So you can set up up to 12 electrodes, which can then be used as buttons… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – MPR121 Touchsensor via I2C und Node Red auswerten
- HowTo: pxlBlck - flashing firmware with the esp web tools directly from the browserFlashing the ESP8266 or ESP32 is not that easy if you haven't had much contact with microcontrollers before. But now there is something very cool that makes this process super easy. The people behind ESPhome have developed a web flasher that allows you to flash ESP microcontrollers directly from a Google Chrome browser… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Firmware mit den esp web tools direkt aus dem Browser flashen
- HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Enable HTTPS encryption for web accessAfter installing OpenMediaVault, the first thing you should do is activate HTTPS encryption for web access. This ensures that when you access the OMV web interface, all data is encrypted with HTTPS. You should activate this option, especially if you want to access your OMV instance via a public network. What you… Read more: HowTo: OpenMediaVault – HTTPS Verschlüsselung für den Webzugriff aktivieren
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Get an overview of the available memory with NCDUIf you often work with large or many files on the Raspberry Pi, sooner or later you will face the problem that the available memory is running out. That's definitely what happened to me. Especially when there are several distributed files, it is not so easy to get an overview of which files and… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – Mit NCDU eine Übersicht über den verfügbaren Speicherplatz bekommen
- HowTo: Node Red - Reading data from a SMA EV CHARGER 22 wallboxAn SMA EV Charger 22 wallbox has recently been added to my network. This is of course primarily used to charge an electric car. Nevertheless, I was of course curious about which values could be read out and further processed there. The Node Red code presented below is my current status. This can already be used to calculate the most common consumption or… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Daten einer SMA EV CHARGER 22 Wallbox auslesen
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Install OpenMediaVault OMV on the RaspberryPiIn the article RaspberryPi - NetworkAttachedStorage / Building your own NAS from a RaspberryPi 4 I have already described that the (relatively) new Raspberry Pi 4B is also very well suited to building a cost-effective but powerful "Network Attached Storage" or NAS. A NAS is a hard disk that is connected to the network and thus… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – OpenMediaVault OMV auf dem RaspberryPi installieren
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Build your own NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS with a Raspberry Pi 4For the last few years, I've mostly relied on Synology NAS as my home storage solution. These come with a stylish interface and can be configured easily but also in detail. Unfortunately, they are also comparatively expensive. At some point I stumbled across the Open Media Vault (OMV) project. This is a package which… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS mit einem Raspberry Pi 4 selber bauen
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Backup system SD card as imageAs is often the case with backups, you usually only think about making one when it's too late. That's what happened to me recently with one of my Raspberry Pis. The curse and blessing with these is that they use an SD card as the main drive. This makes installation very easy. Unfortunately one has… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – System SD Karte als Image sichern
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Mount drive under LinuxAs a Raspberry Pi user, sooner or later you will stumble over the question of how to connect a USB stick, external hard drive or SD card to the Raspberry Pi and access it. The process is similar for all drive types. No matter whether USB stick, external hard drive or SD card. After connecting to the Raspberry Pi, this must be done… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – Laufwerk unter Linux einbinden bzw. mounten
- Raspberry Pi - Read unique ID of a Raspberry PiNormally, all data on a Raspberry Pi is located on the inserted SD card. This has the advantage that you can simply insert a ready-to-use SD card into another Raspberry Pi. If, for example, your Raspberry Pi is damaged, all you have to do is insert the SD card into workable hardware and you can continue. But what,… Read more: Raspberry Pi – Eindeutige ID eines Raspberry Pi auslesen
- News - Summer 2022It's been a while since I gave an overview of my current projects. So here's a little update. 🙂 WinDIY_2 I've been working on the second version of WinDIY for a while now. On the one hand, this is because I can only work on it sporadically. On the other hand, I also have a few now… Read more: News – Sommer 2022
- HowTo: Node Red - Controlling GPIO of an ESPEasy deviceEspEasy and Node Red each offer several automation options on their own. You get even more options if you combine both systems together. In the article ESPEasy - executing commands and actions via HTTP, MQTT, UDP and directly, I already described in general terms how to give an ESPEasy device certain commands from Node Red… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – GPIO eines ESPEasy Geräts steuern
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlDigit_clock with the pxlDigit PCBThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me while building the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-machen/). There the pxlDigit is constructed from individual WS2812 LED segments. To do this, the LEDs must first be glued into the 3D printed housing and then soldered together in the housing. This step in particular is not that easy due to the lack of space. :/ That's why I have… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlDigit_clock mit dem pxlDigit PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: Zigbee - Integrate Ikea SYMFONISK E1744 remote control via zigbee2mqtt in NodeRedThe Ikea SYMFONISK E1744 remote control is actually intended as a control for the SYMFONSIK WiFi speaker from Ikea. You can then control the volume or change the title. Thanks to Zigbee, the Ikea SYMFONISK E1744 remote control can also be used very well to control your SmartHome. How to integrate the remote control into your SmartHome instance… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Ikea SYMFONISK E1744 Fernbedienung über zigbee2mqtt in NodeRed einbinden
- HowTo: Anemosens - Building a 3D printed anemometer (wind sensor)To be honest, the idea of a 3D printable wind sensor ("anemometer" in technical jargon) has been floating around in my head for quite a long time. Initially, I could have used it as a wind sensor for one of my weather stations. At that time I had an FDM 3D printer at my disposal and also a few initial ideas for a printable design. The design shown on the left… Read more: HowTo: Anemosens – Ein 3D gedrucktes Anemometer (windsensor) bauen
- HowTo: NodeRed - Control and read out FRITZ DECT 200 socket using NodeRedThe FRITZ!Box is not just a very good router for the home network. Equipped with the right smart home accessories, it can also become the smart home center of your house or apartment. Everything you need is already built into the FRITZ!Box. New sensors or actuators are simply connected wirelessly via the DECT standard… Read more: HowTo: NodeRed – FRITZ DECT 200 Steckdose mithilfe von NodeRed steuern und auslesen
- HowTo: Tasmota - Switch on socket delayed with switch on delayIn order to be absolutely sure that I have actually switched off all devices (soldering iron, etc.) after leaving my workplace/desk, I have been switching the consumers at my desk via a central socket for years. Unfortunately, over time this has developed into an annoying problem. Because there are a few consumers connected to this central socket… Read more: HowTo: Tasmota – Steckdose mit Einschaltverzögerung verzögert einschalten
- HowTo: Zigbee - IKEA STYRBAR push button E2001/E2002 via zigbee2mqtt into NodeRedThe IKEA STYRBAR button is slightly larger than the little brother of the Ikea TRADFRI E1743 button. But it also offers a few more functions and - due to the two AA batteries used - a longer battery life. In addition to the simple on and off buttons (which also evaluate long button presses), the button has two more… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – IKEA STYRBAR Taster E2001/E2002 über zigbee2mqtt in NodeRed einbinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - Integrate Xiaomi Aqara MCCGQ11LM door/window sensor into NodeRed via zigbee2mqttIn the article about the Sonoff SNZB-03 motion detector and Ikea TRADFRI motion detector motion detector, I already mentioned that a smart home can also be expanded into a (limited) alarm system. The motion detectors can monitor the interior and notify you if movements have been detected in the apartment/house even though no one is at home. Another strategy to get over one… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Xiaomi Aqara MCCGQ11LM Tür- bzw. Fenstersensor über zigbee2mqtt in NodeRed einbinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - Integrate Ikea TRADFRI motion detector E1525/E1745 via zigbee2mqtt in Node RedIn the article about the Sonoff SNZB-03 motion detector I already described how you can use a motion detector to further automate your own SmartHome. Not only can lights be switched on and off automatically. A (simple) alarm system can also be implemented in this way. Another alternative to the Sonoff SNZB-03 motion detector is the Ikea TRADFRI motion detector.… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Ikea TRADFRI Bewegungsmelder E1525/E1745 über zigbee2mqtt in Node Red einbinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - read 4x wall switches TuYa TS0044 using Node RedI use the Ikea TRADFRI E1743 buttons in a large part of my smart home. These can be used to easily switch up to four devices on and off. Recently I stumbled across the TuYa TS0044 wall switch shown here. This button can switch up to 12 devices using its four buttons. Because he can… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – 4x Wandtaster TuYa TS0044 mithilfe von Node Red auslesen
- HowTo: Node Red - Read out the temperature of the FRITZ! DECT Repeater 100The FRITZ! I recently bought a DECT repeater to improve the telephone range of my DECT telephones. Unfortunately, my Fritz Box has to be in the basement because that's the only place where a suitable connection to the Internet is possible. Actually no problem. However, the quality and range of the DECT connection between the telephone handset and FritzBox suffers as a result. So have… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Temperatur des FRITZ! DECT Repeater 100 auslesen
- HowTo: Fritz Box - Find out the AIN of your SmartHome deviceSmartHome devices that are compatible with the FRITZ!Box are addressed via an AIN. This AIN is a unique identification number that is assigned to the respective device. For example, if you want to use Node Red to set the temperature of a Fritz DECT radiator thermostat or switch a FRITZ!DECT 500 Smart Home lamp on and off, you have to… Read more: HowTo: Fritz Box – AIN Eures SmartHome Geräts herausfinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - IKEA TRADFRI shortcut button E1812 via zigbee2mqtt into Node RedThe IKEA TRADFRI Shortcut button E1812 is the little brother of the Ikea TRADFRI E1743 button. Both are identical in size. The only differences with the shortcut button are that it only has one button (instead of two) and the button area can be designed yourself. The button comes with several stickers that are different… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – IKEA TRADFRI Shortcut Taster E1812 über zigbee2mqtt in Node Red einbinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - Integrate TuYa room temperature and humidity sensor TS0201 into Node Red via zigbee2mqttI stumbled across the TuYa TS0201 temperature and humidity sensor while looking for a simple humidity sensor. I was actually looking for a simple humidity sensor with a display to show the humidity in the basement. The background was that I wanted to ensure that the stored boxes, files and everything else… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – TuYa Raumtemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor TS0201 über zigbee2mqtt in Node Red einbinden
- HowTo: Node Red - Sending push messages using Pushover from NodeRedSo far I have used the Pushbullet Node for notifications from my SmartHome. Unfortunately, the Pushbullet app – the counterpart on your smartphone with which you receive the messages – is no longer available for iOS. Do you want to stay informed about the events in your SmartHome on your iOS device?… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Pushnachrichten mithilfe von Pushover aus NodeRed versenden
- HowTo: Raspberry Pi - Get Linux system information with NeofetchIf you ever find yourself in the situation of having to quickly collect the most important system information about your Raspberry Pi or another Linux system, Neofetch is a very helpful tool. With just one command you can retrieve the most important system data and display it attractively. How you can use Neofetch is described in the following article. requirements… Read more: HowTo: Raspberry Pi – Linux Systeminformationen abrufen mit Neofetch
- HowTo: NodeRed - Automatic freeze alert via pushbullet, pushover or emailI've had one of those car covers for a while now that you can put over the car to prevent ice from forming on the windows in cold temperatures. This cover is a very easy way to save yourself having to scrape your car windows in the morning. The only disadvantage with these covers: you have to put the cover over it first… Read more: HowTo: NodeRed – Automatischer Frostwarner via Pushbullet, Pushover oder E-Mail
- HowTo: Zigbee - Sonoff SNZB-03 motion detector via zigbee2mqtt into NodeRedI think a SmartHome becomes really practical when it reduces work or makes life more pleasant. Admittedly, the possibilities are of course not huge. But anyone who has ever entered a dark apartment late in the evening laden with shopping bags will be quite grateful when, for example, the light turns on automatically. So something like that… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Sonoff SNZB-03 Bewegungsmelder über zigbee2mqtt in NodeRed einbinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - Integrate Ikea TRADFRI E1743 push button via zigbee2mqtt in NodeRedThe IKEA TRADFRI button E1743 is one of the most used buttons in my SmartHome. It is very cheap at (currently) 6 euros per piece and at the same time the quality is very good and the scope of delivery is decent. The practical thing about it is that it can be used to control up to four functions. The two buttons can be short… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Ikea TRADFRI E1743 Taster über zigbee2mqtt in NodeRed einbinden
- HowTo: Zigbee - Register devices or sensors and actuators to zigbee2mqttIn order for you to be able to use Zigbee devices for your SmartHome, they must of course first be connected to your Zigbee network. This can be implemented in various ways. The easiest way to add new devices to your Zigbee network is via the zigbee2mqtt dashboard. Of course, the dashboard should already be set up for this. Notes on how to activate this dashboard… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Geräte bzw. Sensoren und Aktoren an zigbee2mqtt anmelden
- HowTo: Zigbee - Prepare a Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus for zigbee2mqttYou will need a Zigbee adapter so that you can also use Zigbee sensors or actuators to control your SmartHome with the help of zigbee2mqtt. This is the interface between the Zigbee device and the SmartHome system (e.g. NodeRed) and is often available in the form of a simple USB stick including antenna. One of these Zigbee-capable USB sticks is the "Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus". This… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Einen Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus für zigbee2mqtt vorbereiten
- HowTo: Zigbee - Migrate a CC2530/CC2531 coordinator under zigbee2mqtt to another coordinatorI've been using zigbee2mqtt for a while now to integrate Zigbee sensors and actuators into my SmartHome. For a few years now I have been using a USB dongle based on the CC2530 or CC2531 IC with the zigbee2mqtt firmware. Now the Zigbee network has grown so much over time that it is time for a more powerful Zigbee USB dongle… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Einen CC2530/CC2531 coordinator unter zigbee2mqtt zu einem anderen coordinator migrieren
- HowTo: Zigbee - Administration of Zigbee2mqtt via DashboardInitially, Zigbee2mqtt could only be configured and controlled via the configuration file or access to the MQTT server. There is now a very useful extension for zigbee2mqtt that makes it possible to configure zigbee2mqtt via an integrated web server. This means you simply visit a website that can be accessed via the same Raspberry Pi as on… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Administration von Zigbee2mqtt über das Dashboard
- HowTo: Zigbee - Installation of zigbee2mqtt on the Raspberry PiI recently started converting parts of my SmartHome to the Zigbee standard. In the past, I still used sensors and actuators based on the simple 433Mhz radio. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer sensors and actuators for this "radio standard". Last but not least, the very low prices for Zigbee accessories at Ikea… Read more: HowTo: Zigbee – Installation von zigbee2mqtt auf dem Raspberry Pi
- HowTo: ESPEasy - Set time synchronization with the DS3231 / DS3232 RTCThanks to the NTP server, ESPEasy is able to retrieve the time via the WiFi connection. This option is very easy to set up and is described here, for example: ESPEasy – Activate NTP time retrieval from the Internet But what if there is no NTP server available for time retrieval? In this case you can use an RTC (=Real Time Clock)… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – Zeitsynchronisation mit der DS3231 / DS3232 RTC einstellen
- HowTo: PCB - Build ButtonBoard PCB V1.2The ButtonBoard PCB is my attempt to kill several birds with one stone. On the one hand, I was always looking for a universal and easy-to-program remote control for the often very individual control options in my smart home. On the other hand, I wanted to have an easy way to use my projects (for example the pxlBlck project).… Read more: HowTo: PCB – ButtonBoard PCB V1.2 aufbauen
- HowTo: NodeRed - Control FRITZ!DECT 500 RGB lamp with the help of NodeRed and FritzBoxI recently tested the DECT radiator thermostat for the FritzBox and integrated it into my NodeRed installation. That's why I was naturally curious about how the FRITZ! DECT 500 RGB LED lamp works with the FritzBox and whether it can be controlled from NodeRed just as easily as the radiator thermostat. As with the FRITZ products… Read more: HowTo: NodeRed – FRITZ!DECT 500 RGB Lampe mithilfe von NodeRed und FritzBox steuern
- News: Okotober 2021 - Current projectsI think it's time again for a little news article in which I tell you what has happened in the last few weeks and what I'm working on. 🙂 Anemosens in third place in the Move-It-3DP-contest I worked on a 3D printable anemometer for WinDIY_2. The result was the "Aenmosens" project. An anemometer that… Read more: News: Okotober 2021 – Aktuelle Projekte
- HowTo: PCB - Anemosens_MCU PCB assemblyWith the Aenmosens_MCU board it is possible to use Anemosens as a standalone anemometer that can be used for long-term observations in remote areas (hence the microSD card slot) or as another part of your weather station (hence the RS485 interface). The RS485 interface is used to provide the measurement data via Modbus. In this way you can easily control the anemometer with your RaspberryPi, PC or… Read more: HowTo: PCB – Anemosens_MCU PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: PCB - Building the Anemosens Sensor PCBThe Anemosens sensor PCB is the basis for the sensor setup of Anemosens a 3D printed anemometer that I developed for the second version of WinDIY. An AH49E Hall sensor and an AS5048B I2C 14-bit "magnetic rotary encoder" are installed on the PCB. The AS5048B is used to determine the wind direction. With the help of the AH49E Hall sensor… Read more: HowTo: PCB – Das Anemosens-Sensor-PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: PCB - Building the pxlDigit_PCBThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me while building the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-machen/). There the pxlDigit is constructed from individual WS2812 LED segments. To do this, the LEDs must first be glued into the 3D printed housing and then soldered together inside. This step in particular is not that easy due to the lack of space. :/ That's why I have… Read more: HowTo: PCB – Das pxlDigit_PCB aufbauen
- HowTo: PCB - pxlBlck_multiPCBOne of my past PCB projects is the “pxlBlck_multiPCB”. As the name suggests, this board is the heart of several future pxlBlck variants. So far I have used the Wemos D1 Mini Board with the ESP8266 installed on it as the main MCU for many projects. The circuit is powered via a micro USB port. Unfortunately, this forces you to do so… Read more: HowTo: PCB – pxlBlck_multiPCB
- News: June 2021 - My projects for the HackadayPrize 2021The Hackaday Prize 2021 was announced a few days ago. It became clear to me relatively quickly that I wanted to try to submit a few of my projects again this year. The schedule was pretty tight. I had already read in the comments under the article on the HackadayPrize that the deadlines for the individual "challenges" were quite… Read more: News: Juni 2021 – Meine Projekte für den HackadayPrize 2021
- News: May 2021 - Current projects and developmentsThings have gotten a little quieter here on Nerdiy.de at the moment. This was because I was working harder on developing a few new projects. Unfortunately, accessing the website or creating new posts often suffers as a result. Since the roughest plans have now been completed, this will happen again soon… Read more: News: Mai 2021 – Aktuelle Projekte und Entwicklungen
- HowTo: 3D Printing - PCBWay.com's Rapid Prototyping ServiceI'm currently working on a project that unfortunately exceeds the capabilities of my 3D printer. So far I have been able to print all the components I need on my 3D printer with the print bed dimensions of 235x235mm, which are actually quite large. When the projects got bigger, I simply divided them into several small parts and then screwed them together later. So… Read more: HowTo: 3D-Druck – Der Rapid-Prototyping-Service von PCBWay.com
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_CassetteLampMP3 players, smartphones and USB sticks with 128GB and more memory are now part of everyday life. Storing and transporting music has therefore never been easier. Things were different around 30 years ago. The "USB stick of the 80s/90s" was the cassette. Of course, I still have a lot of them lying around and have brought them up to… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlBlck_CassetteLamp aufbauen
- HowTo: ESPEasy - Connecting the APDS-9960 gesture sensor to the ESP8266 / ESP32 and reading it outThe APDS-9960 is a sensor that can be connected to a microcontroller such as the ESP8266 via the I2C bus. With the help of the sensor it is possible to recognize simple gestures, measure the brightness, the distance of an object to the sensor and the color of the light hitting the sensor. The integration into ESPEasy is thanks to the… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – APDS-9960 Gestensensor an den ESP8266 / ESP32 anschließen und auslesen
- HowTo: 3D Printing - Building a Y-distributor for a 125mm exhaust hoseWhile setting up the extraction system for my soldering station and the chamber of my 3D printer, I was faced with the problem that I had to somehow divide the suction port of the extraction system into two ways. The goal was to be able to control both the branch to my soldering area and the branch to the chamber of my 3D printer independently of each other. In addition… Read more: HowTo: 3D Druck – Y-Verteiler für einen 125mm Abluftschlauch bauen
- News: PCB development - I2C_mtrDrvr V1.0, servoDigitCtrlr, pxlBlck_multiPCB, XGZP6847_adapter and nanoPxl V1.4I'm currently working on a few PCB projects and I would like to give you a little insight into them here. 🙂 I had all of the boards presented below manufactured at PCBWay.com. They support my projects and provided me with the circuit boards for them. If you are looking for a reliable PCB manufacturer with very good… Read more: News: PCB-Entwicklung – I2C_mtrDrvr V1.0, servoDigitCtrlr, pxlBlck_multiPCB, XGZP6847_adapter und nanoPxl V1.4
- HowTo: ESPEasy - ESPEasy - Set up access password, backup and restore configurationsI'm not sure whether ESPs can really be abused to build a bot network. Either way, you shouldn't neglect the issue of security even with the small ESPEasy devices. The first small hurdle that should make it difficult for potential attackers or just curious visitors to read or even access the configuration of your ESPEasy devices… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – ESPEasy – Zugangspasswort einrichten, Konfigurationen sichern und wiederherstellen
- HowTo: Node Red - Turn Raspberry Pi screen on and offTo ensure that my MagicMirror is only switched on when I actually use it, I have configured a small automation with the help of NodeRed. This means that the screen is only switched on when movement is detected. The screen itself is switched on and off using the "vcgencmd" command. (More info here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/raspbian/applications/vcgencmd.md) With the following NodeRed… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Raspberry Pi Bildschirm Ein- und Ausschalten
- HowTo: 3D printing - build your own solder fume extraction hose incl. funnelI also needed a suitable hose system to build my soldering fume extraction system. After experimenting a bit, I decided to use the standard exhaust hoses. These are actually used to transport the exhaust air out of extractor hoods or dryers. For the soldering fume extraction system I decided to use a 125mm and an 80mm exhaust hose. This… Read more: HowTo: 3D Druck – Lötrauch Absaugschlauch inkl. Trichter selber bauen
- HowTo: Node Red - Trigger actions via Windows shortcut / mouse clickSo that I can switch off my 3D printer automatically after printing, I installed a Sonoff relay so that it can interrupt the power supply to the entire 3D printer. The relay is then controlled via MQTT and automatically switches off the printer after 3D printing is completed. The printer can also be used in the same way… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Aktionen per Windows Verknüpfung / Mausklick auslösen
- HowTo: ESPEasy - Connecting the VL53L0X / VL53L1X distance sensor to the ESP8266 / ESP32 and reading it outThe VL53L0x or its sister/brother, the VL53L1X is a very accurate and relatively inexpensive laser distance sensor. This allows distances to be measured almost to the millimeter. In one of my other projects (see ESPEasy - fill level sensor with VL53L0X / VL53L1X) I also use this sensor to, for example, monitor the fill level of a rain barrel.… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – VL53L0X / VL53L1X Distanzsensor an den ESP8266 / ESP32 anschließen und auslesen
- HowTo: ESPEasy - Connecting BME280 / BMP280 to the ESP8266 and reading it outThe BME280 is one of the sensors that I use in almost all of my projects. This doesn't just measure the temperature. It can also be used to measure humidity and air pressure. The BME280 is the perfect sensor if you need the climate data of a room (or the outside air) with little effort.… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – BME280 / BMP280 an den ESP8266 anschließen und auslesen
- HowTo: ESPEasy - Configure MQTT Server and Subscribe to TopicsESPEasy can now read out many different sensors and / or control actuators (see also ESPEasy - Sensors & actuators). The "rules" can then be used to react locally on the ESP and act accordingly. However, the collected sensor data can also be sent. For example, this data can be collected or forwarded in the SmartHome system.… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – MQTT-Server konfigurieren und Topics abonnieren
- HowTo: 3D Printing - Building a servo controlled 125mm butterfly valveI recently built an exhaust system for my soldering station and the chamber of my 3D printer. The built extraction system has two connections. One uses a connected hose to suck the air out of the 3D printer chamber, ensuring that the air inside is regularly freed of potential pollutants. On the other connection… Read more: HowTo: 3D Druck – Ein servogesteuertes 125mm Schmetterlingsventil bauen
- HowTo: ESPEasy – connect the rotary encoder to the ESP8266 and evaluate itEspecially if your own circuit has a display to show values, the next step is to also connect an operating option. You can connect buttons or switches. A really cool way to equip your own circuit with an input option is the rotary encoder. At first glance, a rotary encoder looks like a potentiometer.… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – Drehencoder an den ESP8266 anschließen und auswerten
- HowTo: ESPEasy – Connect and control the PCA9685 PWM port extension to the ESP8266The PCA9685 is a quite practical IC. This is connected to the microcontroller (for example ESP8266) via I2C and can then control up to 16 individual PWM channels. With just two (I2C) pins on the microcontroller, you can control up to 16 LEDs, servos or, with additional circuitry, motors. Especially when you control servos… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – PCA9685 PWM Port Erweiterung an den ESP8266 anschließen und ansteuern
- HowTo: Node Red – Control Spotify from NodeRedWhat I really appreciate about Spotify is its good connectivity. You can play or control music or podcasts on another device with just a few clicks. Thanks to the free option to set up developer access, you can also access many of these functions from NodeRed. This way you can be completely connected with a few cleverly linked nodes… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Spotify aus NodeRed steuern
- HowTo: Node Red – Show gas station prices in the area on the dashboardWith NodeRed or the appropriate nodes, you can easily retrieve data from the Internet and display it in a prepared form. A practical use case for this is, for example, retrieving gas station prices from the area and automatically displaying them in a table. The web service Tankerkoenig.de kindly offers its data free of charge for access via its API. With… Read more: HowTo: Node Red – Tankstellenpreise in der Umgebung auf dem Dashboard anzeigen
- HowTo: Arduino - Build timer "time_timy" for visualization of time durationsThe 3D printed housing of the "pxlDigits" was not initially intended to be "just" a 7-segment display with WLAN. Originally, I made a kind of timer from a two-digit 7-segment display for a friend of mine. She is a primary school teacher and had the problem that she needed a time display for her pupils that could also be read by pupils.… Read more: HowTo: Arduino – Timer „time_timy“ zur Visualisierung von Zeitdauern bauen
- HowTo: Electronics - Building seven segment digit "pxlDigit" from WS2812 LEDsFor another project, I urgently needed a relatively large number to display a time duration. This ultimately resulted in this small "sub-project". With the 3D printed frame described here and a few WS2812 LEDs, you can easily build a seven-segment digit (or several) and use it to create displays for displaying numbers. With time… Read more: HowTo: Elektronik – Sieben Segment Ziffer „pxlDigit“ aus WS2812 LED’s bauen
- HowTo: ESPEasy – Connect and read LDR to Wemos D1 MiniThere are some situations in which connecting an LDR to an ESP makes sense. This means you can measure the brightness in a room relatively easily and for little money. This value can then be used, for example, to detect presence (Did someone turn on the light even though I'm not at home?)… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – LDR an Wemos D1 Mini anschließen und auslesen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - Display relative values as BarGraphI started documenting the pxlBlcks (which I had been putting off for a long time) in November 2020 after Hackaday.com announced the "GoodBye 2020" challenge. (More info here: https://hackaday.io/contest/175608-goodbye-2020/details) I had been using the pxlBlcks for a long time back then, but as is so often the case, I had never found the time/motivation to write it all down. If you want to read the description of the above mentioned challenge… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Relative Werte als BarGraph darstellen
- HowTo: 3D printing - Build a foot tambourine yourselfActually not one of the typical posts for Nerdiy.de, but recently I was looking for a tambourine that I could use myself while playing the guitar. Long story short: I found everything I found either too expensive or not suitable. Therefore: do it yourself. 🙂 Instructions for making your own foot tambourine… Read more: HowTo: 3D Druck – Ein Fuß-Tamburin selber bauen
- HowTo: 3D printing - Build a foot rattle yourselfWhen I was looking for a foot rattle to accompany guitar playing, I had the same problem as with the foot tambourine. So again: do it yourself. 🙂 You can find instructions for building your own foot rattle in the following article. Requirements Material required: Tools required: In the following list you will find all the tools you need to implement this… Read more: HowTo: 3D-Druck – Eine Fußrassel selber bauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - Building the pxlBlck_RingClockThe pxlBlck_RingClock is very similar to the pxlBlck_SlotClock. It is also built using a 1×60 LED matrix and can display the time using the same scheme as the pxlBlck_SlotClock. However, the LED strip in the pxlBlck_RingClock is installed in a ring and not in a disk. This makes the design of the watch even more unobtrusive. The microcontroller for control… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Die pxlBlck_RingClock aufbauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_8x8The pxlBlck_8x8 was one of the first members of the pxlBlck family. Thanks to the few parts and the prefabricated WS2812 8×8 LED matrix, it can be set up fairly quickly and thanks to the adapter board it offers some expansion options that are not visible at first glance. Using the installed pxlBlck plugin for ESPEasy, animations and icons can be created on the connected LED matrix… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlBlck_8x8 aufbauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_PotThe idea for the pxlBlck_Pot is strongly inspired by a design that Lukas (@i_am_lukas) created. He agreed to let me do his design. Thank you again for that. 🙂 The pxlBlck_Pot is basically a 3D printed flower planter. A 32×8 WS2812 LED matrix can be inserted into this. This is how the function works… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlBlck_Pot aufbauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_SlotClockThe pxlBlck_SlotClock consists of a 1×60 LED matrix. So it can display the time according to the same scheme as an analog clock. The colors of the individual hands can be adjusted. Hour markers can also be displayed. This makes orientation and reading the time a little easier. 🙂 To find out about events you can click on the… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – pxlBlck_SlotClock aufbauen
- HowTo: pxlBlck – design icons, transfer them to the pxlBlck and display themI started developing the pxlBlcks because I was looking for a way to stay informed about events in the SmartHome. There are now two options integrated into the pxlBlck plugin. In addition to the ability to display animations, there is also the option to load predefined icons onto the pxlBlck… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Icons designen, auf den pxlBlck übertragen und anzeigen
- HowTo: pxlBlck – Install and configure the pxlBlck pluginThe pxlBlck-plugin for the ESPEasy framework is the "software counterpart" to the pxlBlck platforms. With the plugin you can easily control the built-in LED matrices and with the help of the other functions it is relatively easy to display your own animations and notifications on the LED matrix. pxlBlck platform Before you continue with the installation of the plugin, you should select the hardware for your pxlBlck platform.… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Das pxlBlck-Plugin installieren und konfigurieren
- HowTo: pxlBlck – Commands for configuring the pxlBlckThe pxlBlck plugin or the functions of your pxlBlck can basically be configured in two different ways. One option is to configure most functions via the plugin's web menu. You can find a lot of information about this in the article pxlBlck - Installing and configuring the pxlBlck plugin In addition to this option, you can also use commands during… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Befehle zur Konfiguration des pxlBlck
- HowTo: pxlBlck – Configure and display animationsYou can use the pxlBlck to be informed about events in various ways. One of these options is to display previously set icons. Unfortunately, this option only works on LED matrices with a height greater than one, i.e. not on the pxlBlcks which "only" use an LED strip or a 1×60 LED matrix. Therefore… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Animationen konfigurieren und anzeigen
- HowTo: pxlBlck – configure clock faces and screen saversThe adjustable dials differ depending on the type of LED matrix used. Unfortunately, this is the case because different matrix sizes enable or do not enable different representations. In order to give you a brief overview of which dials are possible with which matrix, here is an introduction to the adjustable dials and the information under which LED matrix types they are available.… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Ziffernblätter und Bildschirmschoner konfigurieren
- HowTo: pxlBlck – Automatic adjustment of the display brightness via LDRIf you don't just want to stay informed about events with your pxlBlck and also use it to display the current time, then you might like it. I've already noticed that a fixed display brightness doesn't always work. Especially if you have your pxlBlck near a window, you have to set the display brightness relatively high during the day… Read more: HowTo: pxlBlck – Automatische Einstellung der Displayhelligkeit via LDR
- pxlBlck - An IOT/SmartHome Information SystempxlBlck is a system of hardware and software to build an information system for the SmartHome. Various software and hardware options are available. Thanks to the integration into an EspEasy plugin, the pxlBlck's can be automated without external automation software. In combination with external automation software (e.g. NodeRed, MQTT server, etc…) various notifications such as a doorbell, notifications… Read more: pxlBlck – Ein IOT/SmartHome Informations-System
- HowTo: ESPEasy – Activate NTP time retrieval from the InternetThanks to WiFi and therefore (often) also an internet connection, an ESP8266 or ESP32 that is programmed with ESPEasy also has the ability to display the time. In order for this to work, retrieving the time via an NTP server in ESPEasy must first be activated and a correct server must also be configured. What you have to do so that ESPEasy automatically displays the current… Read more: HowTo: ESPEasy – NTP Zeitabruf aus dem Internet aktivieren
- HowTo: Electronics – Build your own waterproof 12V chain of lightsI was looking for a cheap and bright string of lights for a camping trip. This should be waterproof and bright enough to properly illuminate the tent. It would be perfect if the brightness could be adjusted. Since I didn't find any of the existing fairy lights to be really suitable, I started making my own fairy lights… Read more: HowTo: Elektronik – Wasserdichte 12V Lichterkette selber bauen
- HowTo: Electronics – encapsulate electronics waterproof with epoxyWhile building a string of lights, I was faced with the problem of how to make this string of lights waterproof. Ultimately, I installed the electronic components, which cannot be exposed to moisture, in a 3D printed transparent housing. In order to make them finally waterproof, the electronic components still had to be cast with potting compound. This potting compound is transparent… Read more: HowTo: Elektronik – Elektronik wasserdicht mit Epoxy vergießen
- News: PCB development - hubCtrlr, miniFloorLamp and nanoPxlV1.3Lately I've been working on various PCB projects and I'd like to introduce a few of them here. i2c_slider_75 With this PCB I want to reduce the wiring effort of WinDIY somewhat. The final electronics structure (from WinDIY) consisted of a main board which was connected to the sensors and actuators via individual cables. Among other things, also with… Read more: News: PCB-Entwicklung – hubCtrlr, miniFloorLamp und nanoPxlV1.3