The pxlBlck plugin and the functions of your pxlBlck can be configured in two different ways.
One option is to configure most of the functions via the plugin's web menu. You can find a lot of information about this in the article pxlBlck - Install and configure the pxlBlck plugin
In addition to this option, you can also set your pxBlck using commands during operation. This has the great advantage that you can also change settings automatically or based on rules. For example, you can automatically adjust the display brightness to the ambient brightness, switch off the display at night or when you are away (to save power) or change settings at the touch of a button.
General principles
In this article, I will mainly describe the various commands. These can be executed as usual for the ESPEasy framework. The various ways in which you can execute commands in the ESPEasy framework and send them to it are described in the article ESPEasy - Execute commands and actions via HTTP, MQTT, UDP and directly described.
The commands described in the following paragraph can be used to configure the pxlBlck plug-in by command and change its appearance/behavior during operation.
The structure of the commands is usually similar. After the actual command name, the parameters are passed, each separated by a comma. The form looks something like this:
Attention: It is important that the last parameter also ends with a comma. Without this comma, the last parameter is ignored.
The following commands are written in such a way that you can get a quick overview of the command and its attached parameters. The parameters are separated from each other and summarized in square brackets. In addition, the permitted value range of the respective parameter is also given in the square brackets.
Command Name,[Parameter1 0-1],[Parameter2 0-15],[ParameterX 0-255],
In this example, Parameter1 has a permitted value range of 0-1, Parameter2 a permitted value range of 0-15 and ParameterX a permitted value range of 0-255.
It is also important to note that values outside this permitted value range result in this parameter being ignored.
If you want to configure ParameterX in the example above, but leave the rest unchanged, you can send the following command.
Durch diese Angabe werden die ersten beiden eingegebenen Werte ignoriert, weil sie außerhalb des erlaubten Wertebereichs liegen. Nur der letzte Wert „133“ wird übernommen, weil er in dem erlaubten Wertebereich für „ParameterX“ liegt.
Command list
Command: General Settings
Um allgemeine Einstellungen vornehmen zu können, könnt Ihr den Befehl „pb“ nutzen. Darüber lässt sich das allgemeine Verhalten und die einfachen Optionen der Anzeige Eures pxlBlcks konfigurieren.
Command name
Command overview
pb,[display_enabled 0-1],[brightness 0-15],[rc_mark_brightness 0-15],[matrix_rotation 0-3],[selected_dial 0-15],[wc_it_is_enabled 0-1],[wc_o_clock_enabled 0-1] ,[rc_dir_inversed 0-1],[wc_language_id 0-15],[minimal_brightness 0-255],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
display_enabled | Activates(1) or deactivates(0) the display output. This can be used, for example, to save power when nobody is present. See also | 0-1 |
brightness | Brightness of the display in 16 steps from 0-15, whereby the display is not completely deactivated at the value 0. In this case, the (absolute) value specified in minimal_brightness is set as the brightness. | 0-15 |
rc_mark_brightness | Brightness of the hour markers in ring clock mode in 16 steps from 0-15. matrix_rotation: display orientation of the displayed matrix from 0-3. Increasing this value causes a clockwise rotation of 90°. | 0-15 |
matrix_rotation | Display orientation of the displayed matrix from 0-3. Increasing this value causes a clockwise rotation of 90°. | 0-3 |
selected_dial | Selected clock face. Here you can select which clock face is shown regularly on the display. This can be a simple animation or a time display. | |
wc_it_is_enabled | Aktiviert(1) oder deaktiviert(0) im Wordclock-Betrieb die Anzeige der Buchstaben „Es ist“. | 0-1 |
wc_o_clock_enabled | Aktiviert(1) oder deaktiviert(0) im Wordclock-Betrieb die Anzeige der Buchstaben „Uhr“. | 0-1 |
rc_dir_inversed | Inverts(1) or does not invert(0) the direction of movement of the hands in ringclock mode. This setting basically mirrors the ring clock dial on the vertical axis. | 0-1 |
wc_language_id | Select the desired language in Wordclock mode. This allows you to display the time on the word clock in different languages. | |
minimal_brightness | The value specified with minimal_brightness is the value that is set as the brightness value when the normal display brightness is set to zero. The difference is that the minimum_brightness specification has a larger setting range. Here you can set the brightness not only in the range 0-15 but in the range 0-255. The big advantage of this is that much darker brightness levels can be set. You can also find more information on this in the article pxlBlck - Automatic adjustment of the display brightness via LDR | 0-255 |
- Sets the brightness to 10 and leaves the activation/deactivation of the display unchanged: pb,2,10,
Command: Set colors
The assignment of colors changes depending on the dial selected. However, there is always a maximum of four possible colors that can be configured as follows.
Command name
Command overview
pbclr,[color_id 0-4],[color_red 0-255],[color_green 0-255],[color_blue 0-255],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
color_id | This parameter is used to specify which color is to be set. An overview of the possible colors and the corresponding IDs can be found in the following table. | 0-4 |
color_red | Red color portion of the paint | 0-255 |
color_green | Green color portion of the paint | 0-255 |
color_blue | Blue color portion of the paint | 0-255 |
Color | ID |
All colors | 0 |
first color | 1 |
second color | 2 |
third color | 3 |
fourth color | 4 |
- Set the first color to white: pbclr,1,255,255,255,
- Set the second color to white: pbclr,2,255,255,255,
- Sets all colors to white: pbclr,0,255,255,255,
Command: Set truth values
Mit dieser Option lassen sich alle Optionen konfigurieren die mithilfe von Wahrheitswerten eingestellt werden. Dabei lassen sich diese absolut setzen (Ein oder Aus) oder auch „toggeln“ (Also in den gegenteiligen Zustand umstellen).
Command name
Command overview
pbbo,[value_id 1-6], [value 0-2]
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
value_id | This specifies the ID of the value you want to configure. Which values have which IDs can be seen in the next table. | 0-6 |
Value | Dieser parameter gibt den Wert an, den ich letzendlich einstellen wollt. Null setzt den ausgewählten Wahrheitswert auf „false“, Eins setzt ihn auf „true“ und zwei toggled den betreffenden Wert. „Togglen“ heißt hier, dass der Wert ins Gegenteil geändert wird. Aus Null wird also Eins und andersherum. | 0-2 |
Here is a short list of the variables (and their corresponding IDs) which you can use as the value for the Value_id parameter.
Surname | Description | Associated ID |
displayEnabled | Activates or deactivates the display output | 1 |
wordclockShowOClockEnabled | Aktiviert oder Deaktiviert die Anzeige von „Uhr“ im Wordclock Modus. | 2 |
wordclockShowItIsEnabled | Aktiviert oder Deaktiviert die Anzeige von „Es ist“ im Wordclock Modus. | 3 |
ringclockThick12markEnabled | Activates or deactivates the display of a thicker hour marker in RingClock mode. | 4 |
ringclockClockDirInversed | Inverts or does not invert the pointer direction in RingClock mode. | 5 |
diallLeadingZerosEnabled | Activates or deactivates the display of leading zeros in dials that display the time using numbers. | 6 |
- activates the wide hour marker: pbbo,4,1,
- deactivates the wide hour marker: pbbo,4,0,
- changes the status of the wide hour marker to the opposite: pbbo,4,2,
- changes the status of the display of the leading zeros to the opposite: pbbo,6,2,
Command: Set brightness
The various brightness levels can be configured using the command described here. The brightness can be set to a fixed absolute value, but can also be increased or decreased relative to the currently set brightness.
Command name
Command overview
pbbr,[brightnessId 0-2], [brightness 1-15], [absolute 0-1], [bottom border 1-15], [topBorder 1-15],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
brightnessId | Specifies the ID of the brightness you want to set. You can find out which brightness is assigned to which ID in the table below. | 0-2 |
brightness | Gibt die gewünschte Zielhelligkeit an. Dabei wird die Zeilhelligkeit auch durch den Wert des Parameters „absolute“ beeinflusst. | 1-15 |
absolute | This parameter specifies whether the desired brightness is to be set absolutely or relative to the current brightness. | 0-1 |
bottom border | You can use this parameter to limit the brightness setting. For example, you can prevent a desired maximum brightness from being exceeded with a relative increase in brightness. | 1-15 |
topBorder | You can use this parameter to limit the brightness setting. For example, you can prevent the brightness from falling below a desired minimum brightness when the relative brightness is reduced. | 1-15 |
The brightnesses in the following list can be set using this command.
Brightness name | ID |
All brightnesses are configured simultaneously | 0 |
Display brightness | 1 |
Brightness of the hour markers | 2 |
The command
Sets all brightnesses (first parameter) to the value five (second parameter). The value is set absolutely (third parameter) and the lower limit is set to one (fourth parameter) and the upper limit to 15 (fifth parameter).
In the article pxlBlck - Automatic adjustment of the display brightness via LDR this command is used to automatically adjust the brightness to the ambient brightness.
Command: Set colors using the color wheel
This command can be used to set the colors based on the angle of a color wheel. For example, color changes can be implemented at the touch of a button by controlling all colors. Information on the color wheel can be found here, for example:

The Color wheel (also Color wheel, Color circle, Colored tone circle, Color wheel, English color circle, color wheel) is an ordering system in which the colors (chromatic, most intense colors, saturated colors, pure colors, solid colors) are arranged in a circle.
Similar colors lie next to each other (in a circle) and complementary colors (complementary colors, opposite colors, compensating colors) are (often) opposite each other.[2] Six, twelve or 24 colors are usually arranged next to each other in a circle. Color circles draw a Color theory or are based on considerations of such relationships.
The advantage of this command is that you can change through the various possible colors with one command. This is helpful, for example, if you want to select the next possible color by pressing a button.
Command name
Command overview
pbclrwhl,[colorId 0-4], [degree -360-360], [absolute 0-1],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
colorId | This parameter specifies which color is to be set. There is a maximum of four different colors. The following table contains colors and the corresponding IDs. | 0-4 |
degree | This parameter determines the (absolute) angle in the color wheel to which the desired color should be set. | -360-360 |
absolute | This parameter determines whether the desired color angle should be set as absolute or relative. | 0-1 |
The following table contains the colors and their associated IDs that can be set with this command.
Surname | Description | ID |
All colors | All colors are configured simultaneously. | 0 |
First color | This corresponds to the first color in the Webanischt color list. | 1 |
second color | This corresponds to the second color in the Webanischt color list. | 2 |
third color | This corresponds to the third color in the Webanischt color list. | 3 |
fourth color | This corresponds to the fourth color in the Webanischt color list. | 4 |
- Set all colors to the color in the color wheel five degrees forward starting from the current color: pbclrwhl,0,5,0,
- Set all colors to the color in the color wheel five degrees backwards starting from the current color: pbclrwhl,0,-5,0,
- Set the first color to the color in the color wheel five degrees forward from the current color: pbclrwhl,1,5,0,
- Set the third color to the color in the color wheel five degrees forward from the current color: pbclrwhl,3,5,0,
Command: Display scrolling text
This command can be used to display scrolling texts that run from right to left across the display. This only works if an LED matrix is configured that has a height of eight or more.
Command name
Command overview
pbrntxt,[txt_color_red 0-255],[txt_color_green 0-255],[txt_color_blue 0-255],[bg_color_red 0-255],[bg_color_green 0-255],[bg_color_blue 0-255],[delay_time 0-1000] ,[start_pos 0-MATRIX_WIDTH],[text]
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
txt_color_red | Red color portion of the text color | 0-255 |
txt_color_green | Green color portion of the text color | 0-255 |
txt_color_blue | Blue color portion of the text color | 0-255 |
bg_color_red | Red color portion of the background color | 0-255 |
bg_color_green | Green color portion of the background color | 0-255 |
bg_color_blue | Blue color portion of the background color | 0-255 |
delay_time | The time it takes for the text to scroll through the display. This allows the speed of the scrolling text to be defined. The duration corresponds to the waiting time until the text is moved one pixel to the left. | 0-1000 |
start_pos | The horizontal starting position on the display in pixels. This is counted from left to right. A one therefore corresponds to the first pixel column from the left. | 0-„Breite der LED-Matrix“ |
text | The scrolling text to be displayed. | text |
- Lauftext: Nachricht „TestMessage“ in grüner Farbe: pbrntxt,0,255,0,0,0,0,50,8,TestMessage,
- Lauftext: Nachricht „TestMessage“ in roter Farbe: pbrntxt,255,0,0,0,0,0,50,8,TestMessage,
- Lauftext: Nachricht „TestMessage“ in blauer Farbe: pbrntxt,0,0,255,0,0,0,50,8,TestMessage,
- Lauftext: Nachricht „TestMessage“ in blauer Farbe, direkt sichtbar: pbrntxt,0,0,255,0,0,0,50,0,TestMessage,
Command: Show icon
You can use the icon display to show icons you have created yourself on the display of your pxlBlck.
This means you can define the color of each individual pixel in a file, transfer this file to the pxlBlck and display it on the display using this command.
Various fade-in and fade-out options are available to you. You can also define a text that is displayed together with the icon. More detailed information on how to design your own icons, transfer them to your pxlBlck and display them there can be found in the following article
Command name
Command overview
pbicon,[incoming animation 0-255], [outgoing animation 0-255], [in delay 0-255], [show delay 0-255], [out delay 0-255], [brightness 0-255], [running text 0-255],[icon name],[repetition 0-10],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
incoming animation | The ID of the input animation | 1-3 |
outgoing animation | The ID of the output animation | 1-3 |
in delay | This parameter sets the duration used for the input animation. It is specified in milliseconds. | 0-2000 |
show delay | You can use this parameter to set the display duration of the icon and any text. It is specified in milliseconds. | 0-10000 |
out delay | This parameter sets the duration used for the output animation. It is specified in milliseconds. | 0-2000 |
brightness | You can use this parameter to set the maximum brightness for your icon and any text. Please note that a high brightness also requires more power and the connected LED matrix must be designed accordingly. | 0-100 |
runningtext | You can use this parameter to specify a text that will be displayed together with the icon. If no text is required, you can simply leave this parameter blank. | text |
icon name | This parameter corresponds to the file name of the icon uploaded to the SPIFFS of the pxlBlck | text |
repetition | You can use this parameter to repeat the icon display. For example, you can also create flashing icons. | 0-10 |
The following tables contain an overview of the available animations for showing and hiding the icons.
Fade-in animations
Surname | Description | ID |
fade in | The icon and, if applicable, the scrolling text are displayed with the set "show delay" time. | 1 |
Instant on | The icon and any defined text are displayed immediately. | 2 |
Fly in from right | The icon and any defined scrolling text are inserted into the display area from the right-hand side. The "show delay" time defines how long this process takes. | 3 |
Fade-out animations
Surname | Description | ID |
fade out | The icon and, if applicable, the scrolling text are faded out with the set "out delay" time. | 1 |
instant off | The icon and any defined text are immediately hidden. | 2 |
Fly out to left | The icon and any defined scrolling text are moved to the left-hand side of the display area. The "out delay" time defines how long this process takes. | 3 |
More detailed information on how to design your own icons, transfer them to your pxlBlck and display them there can be found in the following article
Command: FakeTV simulation
You can use this command to activate a fake TV mode. This causes color patterns to be played on the display of the pxlBlck that resemble those of a running television. This mode is useful, for example, if you want to simulate a presence when you are away. This could deter burglars or nosy neighbors 🙂
Command name
Command overview
pbfaketv,[enabled 0-1],
Parameter descriptiong
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
enabled | This (single) parameter can be used to activate (1) or deactivate (0) the FakeTV mode. | 0-1 |
- Activate fake TV mode: pbfaketv,1,
- Deactivate fake TV mode: pbfaketv,0,
Command: Matrix/Color Test
This command is perfect for testing a connected LED matrix. If you enter the command, each color and white is displayed on the connected LED matrix one after the other for one second. This also makes it easier to find defective pixels or individual colors.
Command name
Command overview
Parameter description
-no parameters available-
Command: Animations
You can use animation to signal an event. For example, they are perfect for displaying an event on the slot/ring clock or on other models that do not support icon display.
Command name
Command overview
pbani,[animation_type 1-6],[color_on_red 0-255],[color_on_green 0-255],[color_on_blue 0-255],[color_off_red 0-255],[color_off_green 0-255],[color_off_blue 0-255],[animation_delay 0-500],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
animation_type | This parameter defines the type of animation. An overview of the possible animations can be found in the following table. | 1-6 |
color_on_red | This parameter determines the brightness of the red color in the input animation. | 0-255 |
color_on_green | This parameter determines the brightness of the green color in the input animation. | 0-255 |
color_on_blue | This parameter determines the brightness of the blue color in the input animation. | 0-255 |
color_off_red | This parameter determines the brightness of the red color in the output animation. | 0-255 |
color_off_green | This parameter determines the brightness of the green color in the output animation. | 0-255 |
color_off_blue | This parameter determines the brightness of the blue color in the output animation. | 0-255 |
animation_delay | Here you can set the duration of the animation. It is specified in milliseconds and describes the display duration per pixel. | 0-500 |
Overview of the animations
ID | Description |
1 | The LED matrix is filled from the right with the input color and then overwritten to the left with the output color. |
2 | The LED matrix is filled from the left with the input color and then overwritten to the right with the output color. |
3 | A vertical line (in input color) moves from left to right (in output color). |
4 | A vertical line (in output color) moves from left to right (in input color). |
5 | The LED matrix is filled from both sides towards the mtte and then dissolved again. |
6 | The LED matrix is filled from the center and then dissolved again. |
More detailed information including pictures and videos of the different animations and how you can display them on your pxlBlck can be found in the following article
Command: Configure watch faces
You can use this command to specify the displayed clock face or screen saver. The available clock faces and screen savers depend on the pxlBlck platform or LED matrix set.
You can also find an overview of the various clock faces and screensavers in the article pxlBlck - configure clock faces and screensavers
Command name
Command overview
pbdia,[dial_id 0-X],[absolute 0-1],
Parameter description
Parameter name | Description | Permitted value range |
dial_id | Here you enter the ID of the desired dial or (if relative) the increment for selecting the next or previous dial. | 0-X |
absolute | Dieser Parameter gibt an, ob der für „dial_id“ angegeben Parameter Absolut oder Relativ interpretiert wird. | 0-1 |
You can find more information including pictures and videos of the different clock faces and screensavers in the article pxlBlck - configure clock faces and screensavers.
Have fun with the project
I hope everything worked as described for you. If not or you have questions or suggestions please let me know in the comments. I will then add this to the article if necessary.
Ideas for new projects are always welcome. 🙂
PS Many of these projects - especially the hardware projects - cost a lot of time and money. Of course I do this because I enjoy it, but if you think it's cool that I share the information with you, I would be happy about a small donation to the coffee fund. 🙂
I really like the controls. But can the commands for the marquee also display the contents of variables?
So for example:
on Clock#Time=All,**:*5 do
Because I haven't managed to do that yet, thanks in advance!
Hey Stefan,
Thanks very much. 🙂 This is not working yet. But it's a cool idea! I'll try to install it and then I'll let you know here. 🙂
Best regards
Thanks very much! It works with the system variables. You just have to get it right (or I need to read more carefully)
on Clock#Time=All,**:*5 do
pbrntxt,0,255,0,0,0,0,100,8,%sysweekday_s% %sysday_0% %sysmonth_0% %sysyear%
Definitely works. Nonetheless, thanks for the quick reply!
Great, glad to hear it. Thanks for telling me. 🙂
Since I have time to play with the matrix again, I have another question. How can I display special characters? If I want to output a door via the rules, for example, a minus appears and the extended ASCII code 189 . How can I change that?
good morning Stefan,
good question. I haven't had that case yet. I'll take a look and try to fix it. 🙂
Best regards