In order to be absolutely sure that I have really switched off all devices (soldering iron, etc.) after leaving my workplace/desk, I have been switching off the consumers at my desk for years […]
Weiterlesen - DIY, electronics, 3D printing and more...
At, everything revolves around electronics, DIY, 3D printing, smart home and many other technical topics.
In order to be absolutely sure that I have really switched off all devices (soldering iron, etc.) after leaving my workplace/desk, I have been switching off the consumers at my desk for years […]
WeiterlesenThere are some practical modules in the Sonoff range. Among them is the "Sonoff iFan03". This is actually intended to control ceiling fans and a connected lamp via remote control and WLAN [...].
WeiterlesenFlashing devices with the ESP8266 is already described in the article ESP8266 - flashing .bin files under Windows with the "Esptool". Many ready SmartHome devices such as various sockets [...]
WeiterlesenThe overrun of a relay is actually a quite often used function. Unfortunately, this is (at least until today) not so easy to realize with the Tasmota relays. A practical use case [...]
WeiterlesenBesides the hardware, the right software for your project is of course just as important. A practical and universally applicable firmware for the forest-and-meadow microcontroller ESP8266 is the Tasmota firmware. With it you can [...]
WeiterlesenIn the two articles Sonoff 433Mhz RF Bridge with Tasmota Firmware flashing and Tasmota - Sonoff 433Mhz RF Bridge configuring and sockets teaching is explained how to configure the Sonoff RF Bridge to the [...]
WeiterlesenAs in the retro speaker project, it is a little hobby of mine to give old things a new use. If you can also improve the old technology and for example [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article about the 433Mhz mini-button I had already reported on my forays through the wonders of the electronic product world. In the process, I also noticed a 433Mhz SOS button, which probably [...]
WeiterlesenAfter you have flashed the Sonoff RF Bridge with the Tasmota firmware - as described in the article Flashing Sonoff 433Mhz RF Bridge with Tasmota Firmware - it is now time to [...]
WeiterlesenAfter I recently found a way to forward notifications from my phone to my SmartHome I have now thought of a few ways how to use this possible "meaningful" [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article NodeRed/Tasmota - Building a Facebook Icon Lamp I described why I think a Facebook lamp is a useful thing if you want to reliably inform yourself about Facebook notifications. Unfortunately/God [...]
WeiterlesenThe other day I found the canning jar pictured below on the shelves of a large Swedish furniture store. Preserving jars are not an invention from Sweden. I would almost argue that they are somewhere in every [...]
WeiterlesenThe Sonoff 433Mhz RF-Bridge is an inexpensive way to control devices that communicate with each other via the radio frequency 433Mhz. In principle it is - as the name suggests - a [...]
WeiterlesenFrom the construction of the world map lamp I still had a few plastic lamp housings over. These lay long lonely on the shelf around, until I came to the idea of a small RGB light chain with [...]
WeiterlesenWhen looking for inexpensive WLAN sockets to control normal consumers, sooner or later you stumble across the "Sonoff S26". This is one of (if not the) cheapest WLAN socket that I [...]
WeiterlesenLamps that can be integrated into your own SmartHome system currently come with steep prices. Some smart lamps cost 100 euros and more. In my opinion, these [...]
WeiterlesenThanks to the very universal Tasmota firmware (Sonoff 433Mhz Rf Bridge with Tasmota firmware flashing) you can send and receive pretty much any 433Mhz signal using the Sonoff RF Bridge. However, this works [...]