HowTo: Tasmota – Flash Sonoff iFan03 with Tasmota firmware

There are some practical modules in the Sonoff range. These include the "Sonoff iFan03". This is actually designed to control ceiling fans and a connected lamp via remote control and WLAN.

Like many other Sonoff modules, the iFan03 module can be equipped with the free Tasmota firmware.

How to program the Tasmota - or any other firmware - on the iFan03 is described in the following article.

Safety instructions

I know the following notes are always kind of annoying and seem unnecessary. Unfortunately, many people who knew "better" have lost eyes, fingers or other things due to carelessness or injured themselves. Data loss is almost negligible in comparison, but even these can be really annoying. Therefore, please take five minutes to read the safety instructions. Because even the coolest project is not worth injury or other trouble.

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Helpful articles:
Before you start with this article, it makes sense to read the following article.

Tasmota – flash firmware
ESP8266 - Flash .bin files on Windows using Esptool

Required tool:

Required material:

Prepare the Sonoff iFan03 module for the flashing process

In addition to the actual module, the Sonoff iFan03 also comes with a 433MHz wireless remote control that can be used to control the connected fan. Thus, up to three speed levels can be set.

In addition, a small additional consumer, such as a lamp, can also be switched on and off.

View of the components belonging to the Sonoff iFan03.

Other view.

In order to program the module, you must first open the housing and remove the circuit board.

On the module you can see at the bottom...

...a connector for six contacts.

On the back of the board there is a label...

...using each pin is assigned to a function.

The interesting pins are the three pins "VCC", "RX", "TX" and "GND". The module can be programmed with alternative firmware via these pins.

The easiest way to program is to solder a four pin header first.

To do this, insert the pin header into the contacts as shown and...

...solder you with some solder to the board.

When soldered, this should look like the picture.

Connecting the USB-to-Serial Converter

For the actual programming process you have to connect a USB to serial converter.

In order for the USB to serial converter to communicate with the Sonoff module, you now need to make a few connections.

Four dupont cables are best suited for this purpose.

With these you have to connect the module and the USB-Serial-Converter according to the following pattern.

Sonoff moduleUSB to Serial ConverterColor

View of the plugged Dupont cables at the USB to serial converter.

View of the plugged Dupont cables at the Sonoff module.

Another view of the Sonoff module with the connected USB-to-serial converter.

Perform the flashing process

The actual flashing process is described in the article Tasmota - Flash firmware described.

If you want to flash a precompiled .bin file, you can also use the article ESP8266 - Flash .bin files on Windows using Esptool orient

Important: To switch your Sonoff module into programming mode you have to press and hold the white button while connecting the USB-serial converter to the computer. Then you can start the programming process.

Set the appropriate template

Once you have flashed the Tasmota firmware to the module, you still have to configure the firmware as Sonoff iFan03. The template below is suitable for this.


You can enter this template in the Tasmota interface under "Configuration" -> "Configure other". This should automatically configure the corresponding inputs and outputs of your iFan03.

Further information

Have fun with the project

I hope everything worked as described for you. If not or you have questions or suggestions please let me know in the comments. I will then add this to the article if necessary.
Ideas for new projects are always welcome. 🙂

PS Many of these projects - especially the hardware projects - cost a lot of time and money. Of course I do this because I enjoy it, but if you think it's cool that I share the information with you, I would be happy about a small donation to the coffee fund. 🙂

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    1. Hey Scriper,
      Yes and no. Of course, the TX of the transmitter must be connected to the RX of the receiver. Unfortunately, the labels are not always clear. Sometimes the manufacturers also mark which pin of the remote station has to be connected.
      But the good thing is that mismatching doesn't destroy anything. The only thing that doesn't work then, of course, is communication.
      If in doubt, simply exchange RX for TX (or vice versa). 🙂
      Best regards

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