With the Aenmosens_MCU board, it is possible to use Anemosens as a stand-alone anemometer that can be used for long-term observations in remote areas (hence the microSD card slot) or as another part of your weather station (hence the RS485 interface).
The RS485 interface is used to provide the measurement data via Modbus. In this way, you can easily connect the anemometer to your RaspberryPi, PC or many other platforms that support RS485 or Modbus.
In addition, a serial stream of the data (packaged as a handy JSON) can be activated via the USB port.
Last but not least, the built-in ESP32 also starts a BLE server. This also gives you the option of accessing the data wirelessly using your smartphone or computer.
Of course, you can also write your own firmware and program it via the integrated USB-C port. The QWIIC port makes it easy to connect additional sensors via I2C.
I bought the board from the board manufacturer PCBWay.com which has provided me with these free of charge. At this point, thank you again for the great service and cooperation 🙂.
In the following you can see a few pictures of the finished board and (almost) all possible components. Unfortunately, some sensors such as the BME280 are very expensive or poorly available due to the current chip shortage, which is why I have not installed it.
You can also see more information about Anemosens in the following video.
Safety instructions
I know the following notes are always kind of annoying and seem unnecessary. Unfortunately, many people who knew "better" have lost eyes, fingers or other things due to carelessness or injured themselves. Data loss is almost negligible in comparison, but even these can be really annoying. Therefore, please take five minutes to read the safety instructions. Because even the coolest project is not worth injury or other trouble.
Affiliate links/advertising links
The links to online shops listed here are so-called affiliate links. If you click on such an affiliate link and make a purchase via this link, Nerdiy.de will receive a commission from the relevant online shop or provider. The price does not change for you. If you make your purchases via these links, you support Nerdiy.de in being able to offer other useful projects in the future. 🙂
For the assembly you have to master SMD soldering tasks. The following articles contain tips for this.
- Electronics - My friend the soldering iron
- Electronics – Solder THT components by hand
- Electronics – Solder SMD components by hand
Required tool:
PCB ManufacturingAll infos you need for the production of the PCBs can be found here:
The structure
In earlier projects I have inserted single pictures at this point to show which components have to be soldered where on the PCB.
An even better way to get an overview of which components belong where on the PCB is shown in the following paragraph. Thanks to the work of OpenScope Project you can now generate very helpful HTML files in which you can directly see which components have to be installed where on the PCB.
You can see the overview for the Anemosens sensor PCB here: Anemosens_MCU PCB
The current file can also be found in the GIT repository under the following link:
(Please note that you have to download the HTML file to view it. Directly from the GIT repository this is not possible).

Program firmware
The firmware for controlling the sensors on the Anemosens sensor PCB in combination with the Anemosens_MCU PCB is still under development. You can see the current status from the GIT repository download. You can find the firmware at the following link.
Have fun with the project
I hope everything worked as described for you. If not or you have questions or suggestions please let me know in the comments. I will then add this to the article if necessary.
Ideas for new projects are always welcome. 🙂
PS Many of these projects - especially the hardware projects - cost a lot of time and money. Of course I do this because I enjoy it, but if you think it's cool that I share the information with you, I would be happy about a small donation to the coffee fund. 🙂
Super excited to build this, thanks for posting! Haven't ordered a PCB before, when I go to check out it asks:
"Please fill in the layer order from top side view to bottom side according to
the layer name in your file."
What should I put in for L1, L2, L3, and L4? Again, really looking forward to learning as I go on this, thanks so much for making it available!
Hi Nick,
Uh, thanks for the hint. Didn't know that this is asked during the order process.
Please enter the following:
L2: G1
L3: G2
Let me know if you need anything else. 🙂
Best regards
Hi Fab,
Very cool, that got me to the next step. This'll sound abysmally ignorant, but I didn't realize I had to also order all the components with the board; I thought they were included. 🙂 Is there a way to select an option where the factory assemble/populates them so the board arrives pre-made?
Hi Nick,
Yeah, that's a sad point I'm working on (If everything goes well I will offer the assembled board in the future). But so far the only option is to order the PCB preassembled by PCBway.
All the needed additional files are in the github at: https://github.com/Nerdiyde/Anemosens/tree/main/PCB/manufacturing
Let me know if you need anything else
Best regards
Dang, I didn't see a "pre-assembled" option in PCBway. Is it there and I'm missing it, or do I have to order the components separately and assemble them? Either way, exciting!
As far as I remember (cant check it right now) you will see the assembly option during the PCB order process. It should be at the bottom of the same page where you also had to select the allocation of the layers you asked about earlier. 🙂 Hope that helps to find it. Otherwise I can check it tomorrow to give you more details.
Best regards
Cool, I found it! I uploaded the BoM .xls on it, and got the following clarification request from PCBway:
Please provide exact part number or component URL for SMT2X4MMTACTILE_PUSH_BUTTON.
Is there a specific one you've used? This is so cool to go through and try to get right! I've got a bunch of printed boards in transit and will order a few of the assembled ones as well. Fun project!
Hi Nick,
glad to hear that it worked (so far). 🙂
The component mentioned is not really needed for normal usage. The both buttons are responsible to reset and/or put the ESP32 in programming mode. I integrated it mainly to make the development a bit easier.
Both (reset and putting ESP32 to programming mode) is now handled by the integrated USB2Serial bridge. So in case this is enough for you I would recommend to just not assemble these buttons. 🙂
Please let me know if you want to assemble them anyways, then I will try to find the correct component id.
Sorry for this bumpy way gathering all the needed components. I have to make this a bit easier..
Best regards
No worries. So I can just tell 'em to drop that component entirely?
Hey, if you need help with making this easier I'm happy to put my shoulder to the wheel. All of the Amazon Affiliate links don't work for US customers, I'm still hunting around the 'net for some of 'em. That diametrically magnetized disc is hard to find outside of the link you gave (which doesn't ship to the US.)
Not sure how much you know about Helium/LoRa, but in my perfect world we'd put together a more or less "push-button" set of instructions so anyone anywhere can have the 3D files printed including a LoRa radio/antenna, order the assembled boards, order all the parts, and build their own weather station to provision on the Helium Network.
I would LOVE to work on that project with you if you're game.
Yes exactly. Just tell them you don't want to have these components assembled. Shouldn't be a problem.
Yeah that issue regarding Amazon is a bit anygoing. Chose them because I thought that they could use their global delivery network to make all the components globally available. Sadly that's not the case.
My (future) solution here will be as well that I try to offer the needed components in a small shop. Sadly I'm not at this point yet. :/
That sounds awesome. I heard about Lora and also have some components here at hand because I always wanted to work with it.
Maybe it could make sense to develop a PCB with the same dimensions but more optimized for lora so that it could be used as a drop-in replacement?
I'm currently working in a wifi version (same MCU) that will be more optimized for battery powered operation, maybe this could be used as a starting point.
What do you think?
Best regards
Got it, I'll let 'em know to remove that request.
If we go the LoRa/Helium direction developing a PCB we can apply for grant funds for the development (if that's useful to you). My goal would be a stand-alone solar powered weather station that you could "plant" anywhere there's Helium/LoRa coverage (which at this point is getting ubiquitous in populated areas).
Feel free to email me if you'd like to discuss further, this would be a super interesting project to do!
ps Every time I submit a comment, I get this message. I just hit the back button and re-submit, it works fine the second time. "Error: You have entered an incorrect reCAPTCHA value.
Click the BACK button on your browser and try again."