News: Summer 2020

Dear visitors of,

I've decided to post a little update every now and then (probably about four times a year) about what's going on in the background on This is my first entry. Therefore I would be happy about any criticism. Please let me know what else interests you or what you think should not be missing in this news 🙂 went online at the end of April/beginning of June and now has around 100 visitors per day. The articles on ESPEasy and NodeRed in particular are probably attracting the most interest. I am very happy about that and I will try to add more articles to these categories soon.

Im Moment konzentriere ich mich mit der verfügbaren Zeit aber größtenteils auf das Projekt „WinDIY“ und den „Nerdiskerator“. Warum erfahrt Ihr im nächsten Absatz. 🙂

WinDIY and the Nerdiskerator on

Aktuell arbeite ich verstärkt an zwei Projekten die immer mehr zu einem Projekt zusammen gewachsen sind. Angefangen hat alles mit dem „Nerdiskerator“ (unten dazu mehr) und daraus entwickelte sich auch „WinDIY“.

The Nerdiskerator is a disk generator that I have been working on for some time. It should or can be largely produced using 3D printing. Only the magnets, the copper wire, a few screws and some epoxy are also necessary.

When I had finished the first draft for the Nerdiskerator, the question quickly arose as to what I would need it for and what I could use to power it?

Die Antwort auf diese Frage ist „WinDIY“. WinDIY ist eine Windturbine die größtenteils aus 3D druckbaren Teilen besteht. Auch an WinDIY arbeite ich nun schon seit geraumer Zeit „immer mal wieder“.

At the beginning of the year, however, I decided to take part in the HackadayPrize 2020 with WinDIY. This is a competition in which various projects are supported and you can also win prizes. As a result, I now have a deadline for a project for the first time and am concentrating on it for the most part in my free time. You can find information about the HackadayPrize here:

That's why I've now started documenting two of my projects on for the first time. You can find the project logs for WinDIY here:
You can find the Nerdiskerator project logs here:

Here are a few more photos and videos of the Nerdiskerator and the first setup of WinDIY


Eine wichtige „Zutat“ die mir geholfen hat den Nerdiskerator aufzubauen ist eine kleine Maschine die ich speziell dafür gebaut habe. Sie hilft mir die Spulen für den Stator des Nerdiskerators zu wickeln.

I have also documented this (previous) setup on


„MobileSupply“ ist ein weiteres kleines Projekt an dem ich aktuell arbeite. Ziel ist es eine Powerbank zu entwickeln die sich auch über den Nabengenerator eines Fahrrads laden lässt. Infos dazu findet Ihr auf meinem Instagramaccount z.B. hier:


BoarDIY is a project that is almost complete except for a few finishing touches. It is a self-built electric longboard. It has two 600W brushless motors and an 8S 5000mAh LiPo with which you can achieve a range of approx. 10km. Most of the construction is documented on Instagram (detailed instructions will of course follow). Until then you can find more information here:


The pxlBlck firmware is also one of my eternal projects. It is a universal firmware (in combination with the ESPEasy Framework) with which various LED matrices can be controlled. Event-controlled animations and much more are possible. You can see current impressions here:

I am currently also looking for testers for the pxlBlck firmware. If you are interested in participating, please let me know via contact form know 🙂

All clocks in this picture can be configured and operated with the pxlBlck firmware. 🙂

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