In the article NodeRed/Tasmota - Building a Facebook icon lamp I described why I think a Facebook light is a useful thing if you want to be reliably informed about Facebook notifications.
Unfortunately/thankfully, the online social media world is no longer just about Facebook. Besides WhatsappTwitter, you also want to be notified about Instagram(*) notifications. So it's only logical to have this done via an Instagram(*) lamp.
How to do this and what you need to bear in mind is described in the following article.
(*)NOTEInstagram® and the Instagram logo are registered trademarks of Instagram, LLC in the USA and other countries.
Safety instructions
I know the following notes are always kind of annoying and seem unnecessary. Unfortunately, many people who knew "better" have lost eyes, fingers or other things due to carelessness or injured themselves. Data loss is almost negligible in comparison, but even these can be really annoying. Therefore, please take five minutes to read the safety instructions. Because even the coolest project is not worth injury or other trouble.
Affiliate links/advertising links
The links to online shops listed here are so-called affiliate links. If you click on such an affiliate link and make a purchase via this link, will receive a commission from the relevant online shop or provider. The price does not change for you. If you make your purchases via these links, you support in being able to offer other useful projects in the future. 🙂
Helpful articles:
Before you start with this article, you should have dealt with the basics of soldering. You can find information about this in the following article.
Electronics - My friend the soldering iron
Required material:
In the following list you will find all the parts you need to implement this article.
Required tool:
In the following list you will find all the parts you need to implement this article.
Collect required parts
In the following picture you can see the parts you need to build your own Instagram(*) lamp.

Print the 3D parts you need
Download all the required STL files: NodeRedTasmota - Building an Instagram icon lamp
You can rotate the 3D view of the STL file by holding down the mouse button. You can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
Circuit diagram
Here you will find the circuit diagrams showing how the lamp is constructed in principle.

Prepare the small LED strip
Der kleinere der beiden LED-Streifen mit neun LED’s ist dafür zuständig die „Kameralinse“ des Instagram(*)-Icons von innen zu beleuchten. Dazu muss zunächst die Anschlussleitung vorbereitet werden.

Gluing LED strips into the housing
Der vorbereitete LED-Streifen kann nun in die „Kameralinse“ Eurer Instagram(*)-Lampe eingeklebt werden.

Attach the second LED strip
In order to be able to glue the second LED strip into the frame, it must first be prepared in the same way as the first LED strip.

Connect the ESP8266 adapter board to the LED strips
The LED strips are now prepared. To ensure that they light up and can be controlled in general, you still need an ESP8266 adapter board to control the LED strips. In this case, a "WEMOS D1 Mini" is used.
It is also recommended to deactivate the LED of the ESP8266 adapter board at this point. This is described in the article ESP8266 - Remove/deactivate LED described.
Prepares the ESP8266 adapter board again by...

Attaching the ESP8266 adapter board
To ensure that the adapter board disappears out of sight in the base of the lamp, it still needs to be placed in the base.

Glue on paper covers
Eure Instagram(*)-Lampe ist nun fast fertig. Das einzige was noch ein bisschen die Optik stört ist, dass man die „nackten“ LED-Streifen direkt sehen kann.
To hide these a little, three strips of paper are now made. Two of them with the dimensions 30x210mm and one of them with the dimensions 30x135mm. These are then glued into the frame. These paper strips are actually universal labels, i.e. one side is coated with glue so that you can easily stick the paper strips into the lamp.

Before commissioning, you should now follow the tips from the article Eektronik - Commissioning of a new circuit note.
Flash Tasmota firmware
Now it is time to transfer the Tasmota firmware to the lamp. Program the Tasmota firmware on the ESP9266 adapter board. How to do this is described in the article Tasmota - Flash firmware explained.
The following is a configuration as I used it for my Instagram(*) lamp. Of course, you still need to configure the access data for your WLAN and, if necessary, the access data for your MQTT server.
/* user_config.h - user specific configuration for Sonoff-Tasmota Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #ifndef _USER_CONFIG_H_ #define _USER_CONFIG_H_ /********************************************************************************************* * This file consists of TWO sections. * * SECTION 1: * The first section contains PARAMETERS overriding flash settings if define CFG_HOLDER is CHANGED. * All parameters can be persistent changed online using commands via MQTT, WebConsole or Serial. * Corresponding MQTT/Serial/Console commands are shown in [brackets] * * SECTION 2: * The second section contains Enabled and Disabled FEATURES allowing different program size. * Changes in this section do NOT need a change of define CFG_HOLDER. * * ATTENTION: * Users are advised to use the user_config_override.h file for most changes. *********************************************************************************************/ //#define USE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE // Uncomment to use user_config_override.h file. See /********************************************************************************************* * SECTION 1 * - After initial load any change here only take effect if CFG_HOLDER is changed too *********************************************************************************************/ // -- Master parameter control -------------------- #define CFG_HOLDER 4617 // [Reset 1] Change this value (max 32000) to load SECTION1 configuration parameters to flash // -- Project ------------------------------------- #define PROJECT "InstagramLampe" // PROJECT is used as the default topic delimiter #define MODULE WEMOS // [Module] Select default model from sonoff_template.h (Should not be changed) #define SAVE_DATA 1 // [SaveData] Save changed parameters to Flash (0 = disable, 1 - 3600 seconds) #define SAVE_STATE 1 // [SetOption0] Save changed power state to Flash (0 = disable, 1 = enable) // -- Wifi ---------------------------------------- #define WIFI_IP_ADDRESS "" // [IpAddress1] Set to for using DHCP or IP address #define WIFI_GATEWAY "" // [IpAddress2] If not using DHCP set Gateway IP address #define WIFI_SUBNETMASK "" // [IpAddress3] If not using DHCP set Network mask #define WIFI_DNS "" // [IpAddress4] If not using DHCP set DNS IP address (might be equal to WIFI_GATEWAY) #define STA_SSID1 "" // [Ssid1] Wifi SSID #define STA_PASS1 "" // [Password1] Wifi password #define STA_SSID2 "" // [Ssid2] Optional alternate AP Wifi SSID #define STA_PASS2 "" // [Password2] Optional alternate AP Wifi password #define WIFI_CONFIG_TOOL WIFI_MANAGER // [WifiConfig] Default tool if wifi fails to connect // (WIFI_RESTART, WIFI_SMARTCONFIG, WIFI_MANAGER, WIFI_WPSCONFIG, WIFI_RETRY, WIFI_WAIT, WIFI_SERIAL) #define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID WIFI_WPSCONFIG // Default tool if wifi fails to connect and no SSID is configured // (WIFI_SMARTCONFIG, WIFI_MANAGER, WIFI_WPSCONFIG, WIFI_SERIAL) // *** NOTE: When WPS is disabled by USE_WPS below, WIFI_WPSCONFIG will execute WIFI_MANAGER *** // *** NOTE: When WIFI_MANAGER is disabled by USE_WEBSERVER below, WIFI_MANAGER will execute WIFI_SMARTCONFIG *** // *** NOTE: When WIFI_SMARTCONFIG is disabled by USE_SMARTCONFIG below, WIFI_SMARTCONFIG will execute WIFI_SERIAL *** // -- Syslog -------------------------------------- #define SYS_LOG_HOST "" // [LogHost] (Linux) syslog host #define SYS_LOG_PORT 514 // [LogPort] default syslog UDP port #define SYS_LOG_LEVEL LOG_LEVEL_NONE // [SysLog] (LOG_LEVEL_NONE, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE) #define SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG // [SerialLog] (LOG_LEVEL_NONE, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE) #define WEB_LOG_LEVEL LOG_LEVEL_INFO // [WebLog] (LOG_LEVEL_NONE, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE) // -- Ota ----------------------------------------- #define OTA_URL "" // [OtaUrl] // -- MQTT ---------------------------------------- #define MQTT_USE 1 // [SetOption3] Select default MQTT use (0 = Off, 1 = On) #define MQTT_HOST "---" // [MqttHost] #define MQTT_FINGERPRINT1 "A5 02 FF 13 99 9F 8B 39 8E F1 83 4F 11 23 65 0B 32 36 FC 07" // [MqttFingerprint1] #define MQTT_FINGERPRINT2 "A5 02 FF 13 99 9F 8B 39 8E F1 83 4F 11 23 65 0B 32 36 FC 07" // [MqttFingerprint2] #define MQTT_PORT 1883 // [MqttPort] MQTT port (10123 on CloudMQTT) #define MQTT_USER "DVES_USER" // [MqttUser] MQTT user #define MQTT_PASS "DVES_PASS" // [MqttPassword] MQTT password #define MQTT_BUTTON_RETAIN 0 // [ButtonRetain] Button may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on) #define MQTT_POWER_RETAIN 0 // [PowerRetain] Power status message may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on) #define MQTT_SWITCH_RETAIN 0 // [SwitchRetain] Switch may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on) #define MQTT_STATUS_OFF "OFF" // [StateText1] Command or Status result when turned off (needs to be a string like "0" or "Off") #define MQTT_STATUS_ON "ON" // [StateText2] Command or Status result when turned on (needs to be a string like "1" or "On") #define MQTT_CMND_TOGGLE "TOGGLE" // [StateText3] Command to send when toggling (needs to be a string like "2" or "Toggle") #define MQTT_CMND_HOLD "HOLD" // [StateText4] Command to send when button is kept down for over KEY_HOLD_TIME * 0.1 seconds (needs to be a string like "HOLD") // -- MQTT topics --------------------------------- // Example "tasmota/bedroom/%topic%/%prefix%/" up to 80 characers #define MQTT_FULLTOPIC "%prefix%/%topic%/" // [FullTopic] Subscribe and Publish full topic name - Legacy topic // %prefix% token options #define SUB_PREFIX "cmnd" // [Prefix1] Sonoff devices subscribe to %prefix%/%topic% being SUB_PREFIX/MQTT_TOPIC and SUB_PREFIX/MQTT_GRPTOPIC #define PUB_PREFIX "stat" // [Prefix2] Sonoff devices publish to %prefix%/%topic% being PUB_PREFIX/MQTT_TOPIC #define PUB_PREFIX2 "tele" // [Prefix3] Sonoff devices publish telemetry data to %prefix%/%topic% being PUB_PREFIX2/MQTT_TOPIC/UPTIME, POWER and TIME // May be named the same as PUB_PREFIX // %topic% token options (also ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic) #define MQTT_TOPIC PROJECT // [Topic] (unique) MQTT device topic, set to 'PROJECT "_%06X"' for unique topic including device MAC address #define MQTT_GRPTOPIC "sonoffs" // [GroupTopic] MQTT Group topic #define MQTT_BUTTON_TOPIC "0" // [ButtonTopic] MQTT button topic, "0" = same as MQTT_TOPIC, set to 'PROJECT "_BTN_%06X"' for unique topic including device MAC address #define MQTT_SWITCH_TOPIC "0" // [SwitchTopic] MQTT button topic, "0" = same as MQTT_TOPIC, set to 'PROJECT "_SW_%06X"' for unique topic including device MAC address #define MQTT_CLIENT_ID "DVES_%06X" // [MqttClient] Also fall back topic using Chip Id = last 6 characters of MAC address // -- MQTT - Telemetry ---------------------------- #define TELE_PERIOD 300 // [TelePeriod] Telemetry (0 = disable, 10 - 3600 seconds) // -- MQTT - Domoticz ----------------------------- #define DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER 0 // [DomoticzUpdateTimer] Send relay status (0 = disable, 1 - 3600 seconds) // -- MQTT - Home Assistant Discovery ------------- #define HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE 0 // [SetOption19] Home Assistant Discovery (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable) // -- HTTP ---------------------------------------- #define WEB_SERVER 2 // [WebServer] Web server (0 = Off, 1 = Start as User, 2 = Start as Admin) #define WEB_PASSWORD "" // [WebPassword] Web server Admin mode Password for WEB_USERNAME (empty string = Disable) #define FRIENDLY_NAME "InstagramLampe" // [FriendlyName] Friendlyname up to 32 characters used by webpages and Alexa #define EMULATION EMUL_NONE // [Emulation] Select Belkin WeMo (single relay/light) or Hue Bridge emulation (multi relay/light) (EMUL_NONE, EMUL_WEMO or EMUL_HUE) // -- Time - Up to three NTP servers in your region #define NTP_SERVER1 "" // [NtpServer1] Select first NTP server by name or IP address ( #define NTP_SERVER2 "" // [NtpServer2] Select second NTP server by name or IP address ( #define NTP_SERVER3 "" // [NtpServer3] Select third NTP server by name or IP address ( // -- Time - Start Daylight Saving Time and timezone offset from UTC in minutes #define TIME_DST_HEMISPHERE North // [TimeDst] Hemisphere (0 or North, 1 or South) #define TIME_DST_WEEK Last // Week of month (0 or Last, 1 or First, 2 or Second, 3 or Third, 4 or Fourth) #define TIME_DST_DAY Sun // Day of week (1 or Sun, 2 or Mon, 3 or Tue, 4 or Wed, 5 or Thu, 6 or Fri, 7 or Sat) #define TIME_DST_MONTH Mar // Month (1 or Jan, 2 or Feb, 3 or Mar, 4 or Apr, 5 or May, 6 or Jun, 7 or Jul, 8 or Aug, 9 or Sep, 10 or Oct, 11 or Nov, 12 or Dec) #define TIME_DST_HOUR 2 // Hour (0 to 23) #define TIME_DST_OFFSET +120 // Offset from UTC in minutes (-780 to +780) // -- Time - Start Standard Time and timezone offset from UTC in minutes #define TIME_STD_HEMISPHERE North // [TimeStd] Hemisphere (0 or North, 1 or South) #define TIME_STD_WEEK Last // Week of month (0 or Last, 1 or First, 2 or Second, 3 or Third, 4 or Fourth) #define TIME_STD_DAY Sun // Day of week (1 or Sun, 2 or Mon, 3 or Tue, 4 or Wed, 5 or Thu, 6 or Fri, 7 or Sat) #define TIME_STD_MONTH Oct // Month (1 or Jan, 2 or Feb, 3 or Mar, 4 or Apr, 5 or May, 6 or Jun, 7 or Jul, 8 or Aug, 9 or Sep, 10 or Oct, 11 or Nov, 12 or Dec) #define TIME_STD_HOUR 3 // Hour (0 to 23) #define TIME_STD_OFFSET +60 // Offset from UTC in minutes (-780 to +780) // -- Location ------------------------------------ #define LATITUDE 48.858360 // [Latitude] Your location to be used with sunrise and sunset #define LONGITUDE 2.294442 // [Longitude] Your location to be used with sunrise and sunset // -- Application --------------------------------- #define APP_TIMEZONE 1 // [Timezone] +1 hour (Amsterdam) (-13 .. 14 = hours from UTC, 99 = use TIME_DST/TIME_STD) #define APP_LEDSTATE LED_POWER // [LedState] Function of led // (LED_OFF, LED_POWER, LED_MQTTSUB, LED_POWER_MQTTSUB, LED_MQTTPUB, LED_POWER_MQTTPUB, LED_MQTT, LED_POWER_MQTT) #define APP_PULSETIME 0 // [PulseTime] Time in 0.1 Sec to turn off power for relay 1 (0 = disabled) #define APP_POWERON_STATE POWER_ALL_SAVED // [PowerOnState] Power On Relay state // (POWER_ALL_OFF, POWER_ALL_ON, POWER_ALL_SAVED_TOGGLE, POWER_ALL_SAVED, POWER_ALL_ALWAYS_ON, POWER_ALL_OFF_PULSETIME_ON) #define APP_BLINKTIME 10 // [BlinkTime] Time in 0.1 Sec to blink/toggle power for relay 1 #define APP_BLINKCOUNT 10 // [BlinkCount] Number of blinks (0 = 32000) #define APP_SLEEP 0 // [Sleep] Sleep time to lower energy consumption (0 = Off, 1 - 250 mSec) #define KEY_DEBOUNCE_TIME 50 // [ButtonDebounce] Number of mSeconds button press debounce time #define KEY_HOLD_TIME 40 // [SetOption32] Number of 0.1 seconds to hold Button or external Pushbutton before sending HOLD message #define SWITCH_DEBOUNCE_TIME 50 // [SwitchDebounce] Number of mSeconds switch press debounce time #define SWITCH_MODE TOGGLE // [SwitchMode] TOGGLE, FOLLOW, FOLLOW_INV, PUSHBUTTON, PUSHBUTTON_INV, PUSHBUTTONHOLD, PUSHBUTTONHOLD_INV, PUSHBUTTON_TOGGLE (the wall switch state) #define WS2812_LEDS 35 // [Pixels] Number of WS2812 LEDs to start with (max is 512) #define TEMP_CONVERSION 0 // [SetOption8] Return temperature in (0 = Celsius or 1 = Fahrenheit) #define TEMP_RESOLUTION 1 // [TempRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 3) showing sensor Temperature #define HUMIDITY_RESOLUTION 1 // [HumRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 3) showing sensor Humidity #define PRESSURE_RESOLUTION 1 // [PressRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 3) showing sensor Pressure #define ENERGY_RESOLUTION 3 // [EnergyRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 5) showing energy usage in kWh /********************************************************************************************* * END OF SECTION 1 * * SECTION 2 * - Enable a feature by removing both // in front of it * - Disable a feature by preceding it with // *********************************************************************************************/ // -- Localization -------------------------------- // If non selected the default en-GB will be used //#define MY_LANGUAGE bg-BG // Bulgarian in Bulgaria //#define MY_LANGUAGE cs-CZ // Czech in Czech #define MY_LANGUAGE de-DE // German in Germany //#define MY_LANGUAGE el-GR // Greek in Greece //#define MY_LANGUAGE en-GB // English in Great Britain. Enabled by Default //#define MY_LANGUAGE es-AR // Spanish in Argentina //#define MY_LANGUAGE fr-FR // French in France //#define MY_LANGUAGE hu-HU // Hungarian in Hungary //#define MY_LANGUAGE it-IT // Italian in Italy //#define MY_LANGUAGE nl-NL // Dutch in the Netherlands //#define MY_LANGUAGE pl-PL // Polish in Poland //#define MY_LANGUAGE pt-BR // Portuguese in Brazil //#define MY_LANGUAGE pt-PT // Portuguese in Portugal //#define MY_LANGUAGE ru-RU // Russian in Russia //#define MY_LANGUAGE tr-TR // Turkish in Turkey //#define MY_LANGUAGE uk-UK // Ukrainian in Ukrain //#define MY_LANGUAGE zh-CN // Chinese (Simplified) in China //#define MY_LANGUAGE zh-TW // Chinese (Traditional) in Taiwan // -- Wifi Config tools --------------------------- //#define USE_WPS // Add support for WPS as initial wifi configuration tool (+33k code, 1k mem (5k mem with core v2.4.2+)) //#define USE_SMARTCONFIG // Add support for Wifi SmartConfig as initial wifi configuration tool (+23k code, +0.6k mem) // -- OTA ----------------------------------------- #define USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Add optional support for Arduino OTA (+13k code) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Select ONE of possible three MQTT library types below *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Default MQTT driver for both non-TLS and TLS connections. Blocks network if MQTT server is unavailable. #define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_PUBSUBCLIENT // Use PubSubClient library // Alternative MQTT driver does not block network when MQTT server is unavailable. No TLS support //#define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_TASMOTAMQTT // Use TasmotaMqtt library (+4k4 code, +4k mem) - non-TLS only // Alternative MQTT driver does not block network when MQTT server is unavailable. No TLS support //#define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_ESPMQTTARDUINO // Use (patched) esp-mqtt-arduino library (+4k8 code, +4k mem) - non-TLS only // -- MQTT ---------------------------------------- #define MQTT_TELE_RETAIN 0 // Tele messages may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on) // -- MQTT - Domoticz ----------------------------- //#define USE_DOMOTICZ // Enable Domoticz (+6k code, +0.3k mem) #define DOMOTICZ_IN_TOPIC "domoticz/in" // Domoticz Input Topic #define DOMOTICZ_OUT_TOPIC "domoticz/out" // Domoticz Output Topic // -- MQTT - Home Assistant Discovery ------------- //#define USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Enable Home Assistant Discovery Support (+2k code) #define HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "homeassistant" // Home Assistant discovery prefix // -- MQTT - TLS ---------------------------------- // !!! TLS uses a LOT OF MEMORY so be careful to enable other options at the same time !!! //#define USE_MQTT_TLS // Use TLS for MQTT connection (+53k code, +15k mem) // -- KNX IP Protocol ----------------------------- //#define USE_KNX // Enable KNX IP Protocol Support (+9.4k code, +3k7 mem) // #define USE_KNX_WEB_MENU // Enable KNX WEB MENU (+8.3k code, +144 mem) // -- HTTP ---------------------------------------- #define USE_WEBSERVER // Enable web server and Wifi Manager (+66k code, +8k mem) #define WEB_PORT 80 // Web server Port for User and Admin mode #define WEB_USERNAME "admin" // Web server Admin mode user name #define USE_EMULATION // Enable Belkin WeMo and Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+16k code, +2k mem) // -- mDNS ---------------------------------------- #define USE_DISCOVERY // Enable mDNS for the following services (+8k code, +0.3k mem) #define WEBSERVER_ADVERTISE // Provide access to webserver by name .local/ #define MQTT_HOST_DISCOVERY // Find MQTT host server (overrides MQTT_HOST if found) // -- Time ---------------------------------------- #define USE_TIMERS // Add support for up to 16 timers (+2k2 code) #define USE_TIMERS_WEB // Add timer webpage support (+4k5 code) #define USE_SUNRISE // Add support for Sunrise and sunset tools (+16k) #define SUNRISE_DAWN_ANGLE DAWN_NORMAL // Select desired Dawn Angle from (DAWN_NORMAL, DAWN_CIVIL, DAWN_NAUTIC, DAWN_ASTRONOMIC) // -- Rules --------------------------------------- #define USE_RULES // Add support for rules (+4k4 code) // -- Internal Analog input ----------------------- //#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices // -- One wire sensors ---------------------------- // WARNING: Select none for default one DS18B20 sensor or enable one of the following two options for multiple sensors //#define USE_DS18x20 // Optional for more than one DS18x20 sensors with id sort, single scan and read retry (+1k3 code) //#define USE_DS18x20_LEGACY // Optional for more than one DS18x20 sensors with dynamic scan using library OneWire (+1k5 code) // -- I2C sensors --------------------------------- #define USE_I2C // I2C using library wire (+10k code, 0k2 mem, 124 iram) #ifdef USE_I2C // #define USE_SHT // Enable SHT1X sensor (+1k4 code) // #define USE_HTU // Enable HTU21/SI7013/SI7020/SI7021 sensor (I2C address 0x40) (+1k5 code) #define USE_BMP // Enable BMP085/BMP180/BMP280/BME280 sensor (I2C address 0x76 or 0x77) (+4k code) // #define USE_BME680 // Enable support for BME680 sensor using Bosch BME680 library (+4k code) // #define USE_BH1750 // Enable BH1750 sensor (I2C address 0x23 or 0x5C) (+0k5 code) // #define USE_VEML6070 // Enable VEML6070 sensor (I2C addresses 0x38 and 0x39) (+0k5 code) // #define USE_ADS1115 // Enable ADS1115 16 bit A/D converter (I2C address 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B) based on Adafruit ADS1x15 library (no library needed) (+0k7 code) // #define USE_ADS1115_I2CDEV // Enable ADS1115 16 bit A/D converter (I2C address 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B) using library i2cdevlib-Core and i2cdevlib-ADS1115 (+2k code) // #define USE_INA219 // Enable INA219 (I2C address 0x40, 0x41 0x44 or 0x45) Low voltage and current sensor (+1k code) // #define USE_SHT3X // Enable SHT3x (I2C address 0x44 or 0x45) or SHTC3 (I2C address 0x70) sensor (+0k7 code) // #define USE_TSL2561 // Enable TSL2561 sensor (I2C address 0x29, 0x39 or 0x49) using library Joba_Tsl2561 (+2k3 code) // #define USE_MGS // Enable Xadow and Grove Mutichannel Gas sensor using library Multichannel_Gas_Sensor (+10k code) // #define MGS_SENSOR_ADDR 0x04 // Default Mutichannel Gas sensor i2c address // #define USE_SGP30 // Enable SGP30 sensor (I2C address 0x58) (+1k1 code) // #define USE_SI1145 // Enable SI1145/46/47 sensor (I2C address 0x60) (+1k code) // #define USE_LM75AD // Enable LM75AD sensor (I2C addresses 0x48 - 0x4F) (+0k5 code) // #define USE_APDS9960 // Enable APDS9960 Proximity Sensor (I2C address 0x39). Disables SHT and VEML6070 (+4k7 code) // #define USE_MCP230xx // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 for GP INPUT ONLY (I2C addresses 0x20 - 0x27) providing command Sensor29 for configuration (+4k7 code) // #define USE_MCP230xx_OUTPUT // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 OUTPUT support through sensor29 commands (+1k5 code) // #define USE_MCP230xx_DISPLAYOUTPUT // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 to display state of OUTPUT pins on Web UI (+0k2 code) #define USE_MPR121 // Enable MPR121 controller (I2C addresses 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C and 0x5D) in input mode for touch buttons (+1k3 code) // #define USE_CCS811 // Enable CCS811 sensor (I2C address 0x5A) (+2k2 code) // #define USE_MPU6050 // Enable MPU6050 sensor (I2C address 0x68 AD0 low or 0x69 AD0 high) (+2k6 code) #endif // USE_I2C // -- SPI sensors --------------------------------- //#define USE_SPI // SPI using library TasmotaTFT #ifdef USE_SPI #endif // USE_SPI // -- Serial sensors ------------------------------ #define USE_MHZ19 // Add support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor (+2k code) #define USE_SENSEAIR // Add support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor (+2k3 code) #define CO2_LOW 800 // Below this CO2 value show green light (needs PWM or WS2812 RG(B) led and enable with SetOption18 1) #define CO2_HIGH 1200 // Above this CO2 value show red light (needs PWM or WS2812 RG(B) led and enable with SetOption18 1) #define USE_PMS5003 // Add support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor (+1k3 code) #define USE_NOVA_SDS // Add support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor (+0k7 code) #define USE_PZEM004T // Add support for PZEM004T Energy monitor (+2k code) #define USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Add support for software Serial Bridge (+0k8 code) //#define USE_SDM120 // Add support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter (+1k7 code) #define SDM120_SPEED 9600 // SDM120-Modbus RS485 serial speed (default: 2400 baud) //#define USE_SDM630 // Add support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy meter (+2k code) #define SDM630_SPEED 9600 // SDM630-Modbus RS485 serial speed (default: 9600 baud) // -- Low level interface devices ----------------- //#define USE_IR_REMOTE // Send IR remote commands using library IRremoteESP8266 and ArduinoJson (+4k code, 0k3 mem, 48 iram) // #define USE_IR_HVAC // Support for HVAC system using IR (+2k code) // #define USE_IR_RECEIVE // Support for IR receiver (+5k5 code, 264 iram) #define USE_WS2812 // WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by // #define USE_WS2812_CTYPE NEO_GRB // WS2812 Color type (NEO_RGB, NEO_GRB, NEO_BRG, NEO_RBG, NEO_RGBW, NEO_GRBW) // #define USE_WS2812_DMA // DMA supports only GPIO03 (= Serial RXD) (+1k mem). When USE_WS2812_DMA is enabled expect Exceptions on Pow //#define USE_ARILUX_RF // Add support for Arilux RF remote controller (+0k8 code, 252 iram (non 2.3.0)) //#define USE_SR04 // Add support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code) //#define USE_TM1638 // Add support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8 (+1k code) #define USE_RF_FLASH // Add support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB (+3k code) /********************************************************************************************* * Debug features are only supported in development branch *********************************************************************************************/ //#define USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Use xdrv_99_debug.ino providing commands CpuChk, CfgXor, CfgDump, CfgPeek and CfgPoke /********************************************************************************************* * Optional firmware configurations * Select none or just one for optional features and sensors as configured in sonoff_post.h * See for selected features *********************************************************************************************/ //#define USE_CLASSIC // Create sonoff-classic with initial configuration tools WPS, SmartConfig and WifiManager //#define USE_SENSORS // Create sonoff-sensors with useful sensors enabled //#define USE_KNX_NO_EMULATION // Create sonoff-knx with KNX but without Emulation //#define BE_MINIMAL // Create sonoff-minimal as intermediate firmware for OTA-MAGIC /********************************************************************************************* * No user configurable items below *********************************************************************************************/ #if defined(USE_MQTT_TLS) && defined(USE_WEBSERVER) #error "Select either USE_MQTT_TLS or USE_WEBSERVER as there is just not enough memory to play with" #endif #endif // _USER_CONFIG_H_
Configure Tasmota firmware
To ensure that the freshly programmed but still unconfigured firmware of the lamp works correctly, you now need to set where the LED strip is connected to the ESP8266 adapter board.

Controlling the lamp
How you can then control the lamp - to set the right Instagram(*) colors, among other things - is described in the following article NodeRed - Control Instagram lamp.
If everything went well, your Instagram(*) lamp should look like this.
Have fun with the project
I hope everything worked as described for you. If not or you have questions or suggestions please let me know in the comments. I will then add this to the article if necessary.
Ideas for new projects are always welcome. 🙂
PS Many of these projects - especially the hardware projects - cost a lot of time and money. Of course I do this because I enjoy it, but if you think it's cool that I share the information with you, I would be happy about a small donation to the coffee fund. 🙂