The adjustable dials differ from the type of LED matrix used. Unfortunately, this is because different matrix sizes allow or do not allow different displays. Nevertheless, to give you a small overview [...]
Weiterlesen - DIY, electronics, 3D printing and more...
At, everything revolves around electronics, DIY, 3D printing, smart home and many other technical topics.
In the category ESP Easy you will find all articles that deal with the installation, configuration and operation of ESP Easy.
The adjustable dials differ from the type of LED matrix used. Unfortunately, this is because different matrix sizes allow or do not allow different displays. Nevertheless, to give you a small overview [...]
WeiterlesenIf you not only want to stay informed about events with your pxlBlck and also use it to display the current time, then you may have already noticed that a fixed [...]
WeiterlesenpxlBlck is a system of hardware and software to build an information system for the SmartHome. Various software and hardware options are available. Thanks to the integration in an EspEasy plugin can [...]
WeiterlesenThanks to WiFi and thus (often) also Internet connection, an ESP8266 or ESP32 programmed with ESPEasy also has the possibility to display the time. For this to work, the call [...]
WeiterlesenLately I'm working on several PCB projects of which I want to present a few here. i2c_slider_75 With this PCB I want to reduce the wiring effort of WinDIY a bit. The [...]
WeiterlesenThe PCA9685 is a PWM port expander. With this it is possible to connect up to 16 LEDs, servos or other components to your ESP8266 and supply them with a PWM signal. Thanks to [...]
WeiterlesenCurrently I am working on the first preparations of a somewhat larger project. For this I need LEDs which shine a little brighter. At the same time I did not want to give up the comfort of the known [...]
WeiterlesenDear visitors of, I've decided to post a little update every now and then (probably about four times a year) about what's going on in the background at This one [...]
WeiterlesenDear testers, first of all, thank you for agreeing to test the pxlBlck plugin. 🙂 In the following I try to list everything that you need for the installation and […]
WeiterlesenWith the help of the ADC on the ESP8266 you can measure voltages. This is practical for example to measure a battery voltage and thus the charge state of the battery or with the help of a LDR and a [...]
WeiterlesenI recently stumbled across the VL53L0X and VL53L1X TOF distance sensors. These sensors can determine distances with millimeter accuracy using a laser. Thereby they have a range of up to 4 m [...]
WeiterlesenThe actual flashing of firmware files like .bin files (also called "binarys") to the Wemos D1 Mini, the NodeMcu dev board or any other board based on the ESP8266 is done in the [...]
WeiterlesenIn the articles Retro-SmartHome-Display via Analog-Anzeigen selber bauen and ESPEasy - NerdiysPanelMeter-Plugin installieren und konfigurieren we described what you have to do to build your own Retro-SmartHome-Display. If nu everything [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article Retro-SmartHome-Display via Analog-Anzeigen selber bauen the assembly of an own Retro-SmartHome-Display was explained. But unfortunately even the best hardware is nothing without the right software. So you can use the [...]
WeiterlesenOne thing that makes ESPEasy so practical and universal is the possibility to read and control different sensors and actuators via commands. Especially in combination with corresponding rules, [...]
WeiterlesenIn addition to many important hardware components, each project also consists of the appropriate software. It is often less time-consuming to assemble the project than to write the appropriate software later. These [...]
WeiterlesenRecently, while cleaning out the basement, I found an old control panel with old analog displays. This gave me the idea that you have to be able to use these displays somehow [...].