While setting up the exhaust system for my soldering station and the chamber of my 3D printer, I was faced with the problem of somehow splitting the intake of the exhaust system into two ways [...]
WeiterlesenTag: 3D printing
HowTo: 3D printing - build your own solder fume extraction hose incl. funnel
For the construction of my solder fume extraction system I also needed a suitable hose system. After some trial and error I decided to use the standard exhaust hoses. These are actually used to connect the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: 3D Printing - Building a servo controlled 125mm butterfly valve
I recently built an exhaust system for my soldering station and the chamber of my 3D printer. The built exhaust system has two connections. One uses a connected hose to suck up the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: 3D printing - Build a foot tambourine yourself
Actually not one of the typical posts for Nerdiy.de, but recently I was looking for a tambourine that I can operate myself while playing guitar. Long speech, [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: 3D printing - Build a foot rattle yourself
Looking for a foot rattle to accompany the guitar playing I had the similar problem as with the foot tambourine. Therefore again: Do it yourself. 🙂 A tutorial to make your own foot rattle [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Mechanics – cutting internal threads
Whenever possible, I try to use ready-made nuts or thread inserts when using screws and the like. But sometimes there is just no other way and you have to make your own [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Tasmota - Build Retro Light Bulb Smart Home Lamp
As in the retro speaker project, it is a little hobby of mine to give old things a new use. If you can also improve the old technology and for example [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Build your own retro SmartHome display via analogue displays
Recently, while cleaning out the basement, I found an old control panel with old analog displays. This gave me the idea that you have to be able to use these displays somehow [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: Fibonacci Clock - Assembly
In the post FibonacciWatch - An Unusual Timepiece I introduced the cool idea of Philippe Chrétien. As mentioned in the post, I think the idea is cool and have started [...]
WeiterlesenFibonacci Clock - An unusual time indicator
The Fibonacci Clock A few months ago I came across a project by Philippe Chrétien (geekoclock.com) from 2015 on Kickstarter. There (www.kickstarter.com/projects/basbrun/fibonacci-clock-an-open-source-clock-for-nerds-wit) a clock was offered for sale [...]