Another practical advantage of OpenMediaVault is that you can easily add more features thanks to the prebuilt Docker and Portainer installation. Docker containers are a kind of software package that [...]
WeiterlesenTag: Linux
HowTo: OpenMediaVault - Set up external hard disk as drive
As the name of OpenMediaVault suggests, it is about managing media. For this you need of course also appropriate storage space. In the article NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS from a [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Raspberry Pi - Get an overview of the available memory with NCDU
If you often work with large or many files on the Raspberry Pi, you will sooner or later face the problem that the available memory runs out. This is what happened to [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Raspberry Pi - Backup system SD card as image
As is often the case with backups, you usually only think about making one when it's too late. That's what happened to me the other day with a [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Raspberry Pi - Mount drive under Linux
As a user of the Raspberry Pi, sooner or later you stumble upon the question of how to connect and access a USB stick, external hard drive or SD card to the Raspberry Pi. [...]
WeiterlesenRaspberry Pi - Read unique ID of a Raspberry Pi
Normally, all data of a Raspberry Pi is stored on the inserted SD card. This has the advantage that you can easily insert a ready-to-use SD card into another Raspberry Pi [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: Raspberry Pi - Get Linux system information with Neofetch
If you ever find yourself in the situation of having to quickly collect the most important system information about your Raspberry Pi or another Linux system, Neofetch is a very helpful tool. With […]
WeiterlesenRaspberryPI – Commands Cheat Sheet
When a Windows user comes into contact with the Linux world for the first time, frustration is usually not long in coming. Especially the work with the console [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: RaspberryPi – Share folders with SMB and integrate them as a network drive under Windows
If you work with the RaspberryPi you will sooner or later encounter the problem of how to transfer files to the RasPi or copy them from the RasPi. For this purpose there are [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: RaspberryPi – Install MQTT Server on the RaspberryPi
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is the protocol that is becoming more and more important in the world of Internet of Things. With this protocol it is very easy to transfer different data between different [...]...
WeiterlesenHowTo: RaspberryPi – Control the RaspberryPi via SSH
The great advantage of the RaspberryPi is not only that it is small, compact and relatively inexpensive, but also that it is child's play to operate remotely from another computer [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: RaspberryPI - Multitasking and "I'll continue with that later" with Screen
Working in the console has a few disadvantages that are not immediately obvious. For example, you are used to being able to switch between windows in Windows. Just to switch to [...]