Especially if you are a bit more involved with the Internet, network or your own SmartHome, you will sooner or later be faced with the problem of how to manage the IP addresses of individual devices in the [...]
Weiterlesen - DIY, electronics, 3D printing and more...
At, everything revolves around electronics, DIY, 3D printing, smart home and many other technical topics.
All tips and articles incl. material lists around the topic Raspberry Pi.
Especially if you are a bit more involved with the Internet, network or your own SmartHome, you will sooner or later be faced with the problem of how to manage the IP addresses of individual devices in the [...]
WeiterlesenVia the service of you can get free weather data. To be able to access this service automatically - for example from NodeRed or from an Arduino [...]
WeiterlesenWhen a Windows user comes into contact with the Linux world for the first time, frustration is usually not long in coming. Especially the work with the console [...]
WeiterlesenA smart home system is only really fun when it can communicate with other components. Since many systems use wireless connections for communication, it is only logical to start using FHEM as soon as possible.
WeiterlesenIf you work with the RaspberryPi you will sooner or later encounter the problem of how to transfer files to the RasPi or copy them from the RasPi. For this purpose there are [...]
WeiterlesenMQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is the protocol that is becoming more and more important in the world of Internet of Things. With this protocol it is very easy to transfer different data between different [...]...
WeiterlesenThe great advantage of the RaspberryPi is not only that it is small, compact and relatively inexpensive, but also that it is child's play to operate remotely from another computer [...]
WeiterlesenA term that you come across more and more often in everyday life is "SmartHome". But what is behind it? And do I really need it? Smart home (= intelligent home) is a generic term for [...].
WeiterlesenAfter the article RaspberryPi - Setup for Nerdiys! described how to get a RaspberryPi up and running, this article explains which first settings have to be done before it gets really [...]
WeiterlesenWorking in the console has a few disadvantages that are not immediately obvious. For example, you are used to being able to switch between windows in Windows. Just to switch to [...]
WeiterlesenSo, let's move on to the first technical article: How do I get a RaspberryPi up and running? Now some people will be thinking that there are already about a million tutorials [...].