On a camping trip away from modern infrastructure, one quickly notices how much one has actually become accustomed to the fact that electricity is always and everywhere somehow available. The stupid thing: Most of the [...]
nerdiy.de - DIY, electronics, 3D printing and more...
At nerdiy.de, everything revolves around electronics, DIY, 3D printing, smart home and many other technical topics.
Everything around the topic of 3D printing.
On a camping trip away from modern infrastructure, one quickly notices how much one has actually become accustomed to the fact that electricity is always and everywhere somehow available. The stupid thing: Most of the [...]
WeiterlesenThe generator is held by a bracket in which a brake actuator is also integrated. In the following article you will find how you can proceed with its construction. Collect the required parts [...].
WeiterlesenSo that the construction articles to WinDIY do not become too extensive, I divided the construction on several articles. Per article a certain component is built up like e.g. the wing. Of course, [...]
WeiterlesenThe WinDIY wind vane is mounted at the end of the equipment carrier. It should help to align the wind turbine always in wind direction. How you can assemble the wind vane is described in the following article [...].
WeiterlesenOne component that should make WinDIY safer is the pitch actuator. This allows the angle of attack of the wing to be changed via a push rod. In case of emergency (e.g. if the speed is too high [...]
WeiterlesenThe rotating tower supports the turbine and superstructures on the standpipe so that they can rotate through 360°. Integrated in it is also a slip ring to transfer the generated energy to the non-rotating part [...].
WeiterlesenThe main axis is the axis in which the wind turbine will later rotate. It must therefore bear the weight of the blades including the hub and at the same time also the [...]
WeiterlesenAt one point or another, I'm sure I've already mentioned that it was important to me to be able to control WinDIY safely and also limit its speed in an emergency. For this purpose I [...]
WeiterlesenAn important component of WinDIY are certainly the wings. They are the ones that absorb the energy of the wind and convert it into a rotary motion, which in turn feeds the generator [...].
WeiterlesenDear visitors of Nerdiy.de, I've decided to post a little update every now and then (probably about four times a year) about what's going on in the background at Nerdiy.de. This one [...]
WeiterlesenWhenever possible, I try to use ready-made nuts or thread inserts when using screws and the like. But sometimes there is just no other way and you have to make your own [...]
WeiterlesenAs in the retro speaker project, it is a little hobby of mine to give old things a new use. If you can also improve the old technology and for example [...]
WeiterlesenSometime last year I stumbled across the very inexpensive TDA7492-CSR8635 Bluetooth amplifier boards on Ebay. These include a Bluetooth audio receiver and a stereo amplifier that can drive speaker cabinets up to 50 watts. [...]
WeiterlesenAfter I recently found a way to forward notifications from my phone to my SmartHome I have now thought of a few ways how to use this possible "meaningful" [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article NodeRed/Tasmota - Building a Facebook Icon Lamp I described why I think a Facebook lamp is a useful thing if you want to reliably inform yourself about Facebook notifications. Unfortunately/God [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article "NodeRed/Tasmota - Building a Facebook Icon Lamp" and "NodeRed/Tasmota - Building an Instagram Icon Lamp" I described why these lamps can be quite useful if you want to keep up with [...]
WeiterlesenRecently, while cleaning out the basement, I found an old control panel with old analog displays. This gave me the idea that you have to be able to use these displays somehow [...].
WeiterlesenFrom the construction of the world map lamp I still had a few plastic lamp housings over. These lay long lonely on the shelf around, until I came to the idea of a small RGB light chain with [...]
WeiterlesenLamps that can be integrated into your own SmartHome system currently come with steep prices. Some smart lamps cost 100 euros and more. In my opinion, these [...]
WeiterlesenIn the post FibonacciWatch - An Unusual Timepiece I introduced the cool idea of Philippe Chrétien. As mentioned in the post, I think the idea is cool and have started [...]
WeiterlesenThe Fibonacci Clock A few months ago I came across a project by Philippe Chrétien (geekoclock.com) from 2015 on Kickstarter. There (www.kickstarter.com/projects/basbrun/fibonacci-clock-an-open-source-clock-for-nerds-wit) a clock was offered for sale [...]