Another practical thing in NodeRed is that you can also easily trigger common Linux commands via NodeRed node.
WeiterlesenCategory: SmartHome
The SmartHome category contains all articles that deal in any way with the configuration and operation of various SmartHome systems.
HowTo: FritzBox - Fix error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'actions' of 'undefined'" in the "node-red-contrib-fritz" node
For quite some time now I have (had) the problem that my "node-red-contrib-fritz" node cannot connect to my FritzBox. Nothing had actually changed in the entire configuration. Nothing except [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy – level sensor with VL53L0X / VL53L1X
I recently stumbled across the VL53L0X and VL53L1X TOF distance sensors. These sensors can determine distances with millimeter accuracy using a laser. Thereby they have a range of up to 4 m [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Control Facebook(*) lamp
In the article NodeRed/Tasmota - Building a Facebook(*) Icon Lamp is explained how you can build your own Facebook(*) lamp. The goal is to link this later with your SmartHome and for example [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Supply Nerdiys PanelMeter with weather data
In the articles Retro-SmartHome-Display via Analog-Anzeigen selber bauen and ESPEasy - NerdiysPanelMeter-Plugin installieren und konfigurieren we described what you have to do to build your own Retro-SmartHome-Display. If nu everything [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Control WhatsApp(*) lamp
In the article NodeRed/Tasmota - Building a WhatsApp(*) icon lamp is explained how you can build your own WhatsApp(*) lamp. The goal is to link this later with your SmartHome and for example [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Control Instagram(*) lamp
The article NodeRed/Tasmota - Building an Instagram(*) Icon Lamp explains how you can build your own Instagram(*) lamp. The goal is to link this later with your SmartHome and for example [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESP Easy – Install and configure NerdiysPanelMeter plugin
In the article Retro-SmartHome-Display via Analog-Anzeigen selber bauen the assembly of an own Retro-SmartHome-Display was explained. But unfortunately even the best hardware is nothing without the right software. So you can use the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy – Execute commands and actions via HTTP, MQTT, UDP and directly
One thing that makes ESPEasy so practical and universal is the possibility to read and control different sensors and actuators via commands. Especially in combination with corresponding rules, [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: ESPEasy – Compile firmware, flash and configure WLAN access data
In addition to many important hardware components, each project also consists of the appropriate software. It is often less time-consuming to assemble the project than to write the appropriate software later. These [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Register GoogleMaps API key
Google offers many of its services for free up to a certain limit. For example, it is also possible to access the Google Maps functionality. This is useful for [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red - Create a user interface with dashboard nodes
I don't know if dashboards are THE (one) means to make a nerd's heart beat faster, but certainly they are a means to make a nerd's heart beat faster [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: FHEM - structure, modules & things worth knowing
After I had installed FHEM for the first time and the configuration page was really accessible, the euphoria was great. After I had clicked around a bit on it, this euphoria was quickly [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: FHEM - Securing access to the configuration interface
At the latest after you have made the first configurations in your FHEM interface, you should also deal with the topic of security. It is really annoying, if you have to change the painstakingly compiled [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: FHEM – Create MQTT devices
In the article RaspberryPi - Installing MQTT Server on the RaspberryPi I had written a little bit about MQTT and explained how to install an own MQTT server on the RaspberryPi. [...]
WeiterlesenImage collection: Tasmota - Building a world map lamp
This article actually contains more a colorful collection of creation photos from the time before At that time I built a world map lamp as a decoration for the then still quite bare living room wall. [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Tasmota – flash firmware
Besides the hardware, the right software for your project is of course just as important. A practical and universally applicable firmware for the forest-and-meadow microcontroller ESP8266 is the Tasmota firmware. With it you can [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red / FritzBox – Display caller list in the dashboard
In addition to caller ID, you can also display the caller log of the Fritzbox in NodeRed. How to do this is explained in the following article. Prerequisites Helpful articles:To apply this configuration [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Tasmota - Configure automatic output shutdown
Automatically dropping relays are known, for example, from the staircase. By pressing a button the light is switched on. Without having to press the button again, the light is automatically switched [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red / Tasmota - A "dead man's switch" or how to use the absence of status messages as an event
I must admit I've never seen them before, but there are supposed to be so-called dead man's switches on trains. These switches with the somewhat macabre name are a whole sensible invention. [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Integrate Sonoff 433Mhz RF Bridge
In the two articles Sonoff 433Mhz RF Bridge with Tasmota Firmware flashing and Tasmota - Sonoff 433Mhz RF Bridge configuring and sockets teaching is explained how to configure the Sonoff RF Bridge to the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Get current weather data from OpenWeatherMap
You don't always have the possibility to measure environmental data such as the outside temperature directly. Nevertheless, sometimes it is practical. For example, you can make sure that the radiators inside [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red - Send Email on Events
E-mails are (I believe) one of the oldest means of communication on the Internet. In the smart home sector, however, they do not play a major role. Push services - such as [...] - are often preferred for fast and direct data exchange.
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Display IP Cam Images in Dashboard
If you have installed an IP camera in your network - or elsewhere - you can also display the camera image in the dashboard of NodeRed. How this works [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Tasmota - Build Retro Light Bulb Smart Home Lamp
As in the retro speaker project, it is a little hobby of mine to give old things a new use. If you can also improve the old technology and for example [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Magic Mirror – Show current traffic overview
A cool and practical plugin for the MagicMirror is the plugin "MMM-GoogleMapsTraffic". This shows you the status of the current traffic in your area. How to install this is described in the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Set up a “welcome boost” for the heating when you are new
Especially non-tech-savvy roommates are mostly skeptical about this whole SmartHome thing. Questions are constantly asked such as "But why do you need that?" or "And that's so important now that [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Magic Mirror – Installation of the required software
A MagicMirror consists of an important part of software besides the obvious mirror&screen. There are now some good software packages for this. The best one in my opinion is the one from Michael Teeuw. He has developed the for [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Control devices with Apple HomeKit and read sensors
You can swear about Apple devices or idolize them, but what Apple has done very well is to integrate SmartHome components into their operating systems. Thus, iOs inherently brings a [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Node Red – Integrate 433Mhz SOS button
In the article about the 433Mhz mini-button I had already reported on my forays through the wonders of the electronic product world. In the process, I also noticed a 433Mhz SOS button, which probably [...]