When I moved into a new apartment, I was faced with a new (absolute luxury) problem. My old MagicMirror, which I had previously installed in my bathroom cabinet, couldn't move with me because [...]
nerdiy.de - DIY, electronics, 3D printing and more...
At nerdiy.de, everything revolves around electronics, DIY, 3D printing, smart home and many other technical topics.
When I moved into a new apartment, I was faced with a new (absolute luxury) problem. My old MagicMirror, which I had previously installed in my bathroom cabinet, couldn't move with me because [...]
WeiterlesenI have to admit, when WeLock contacted me and asked if I was interested in testing the Touch41 or Touch41mini locking cylinder, I was skeptical at first. Because with the […]
WeiterlesenPhotoPrism is a very cool piece of software that you can use to manage your photo collection locally. Once set up, your photos will be scanned and categorized using AI models. That means you […]
WeiterlesenThe IKEA FYRTUR roller blind is a very easy way to retrofit your windows with an easily controllable roller blind. Thanks to the Zigbee connection, you can then do this for all possible scenarios […]
WeiterlesenA NAS (Raspberry Pi – NetworkAttachedStorage / building a NAS with a Raspberry Pi 4 yourself) only becomes really practical if you can access it from anywhere in the network […]
WeiterlesenIn the articles Reading out data from an SMA EV CHARGER 22 Wallbox and Reading out Node Red – SMA Sunny Home Manager data, I had already described how to […]
WeiterlesenAs a Windows user, you are used to the fact that there is always a virus scanner watching somewhere in the background and immediately informs you about an infection with malware or already acts accordingly. I use [...]
WeiterlesenFor some time now, my network (in addition to an SMA EV Charger 22 wallbox) has also included an SMA inverter for a photovoltaic system and an associated SMA Sunny Home Manager. The latter [...]
WeiterlesenThe TRADFRI plug is a simple way to switch existing consumers such as lamps via your smart home system via Zigbee The consumer can be switched on and off. At the same time it acts [...]
WeiterlesenTo be able to automate your own smart home sensibly, one function is quite important: Are residents present or not? Because only then can the system, for example, automatically turn the heaters [...].
WeiterlesenAnother practical advantage of OpenMediaVault is that you can easily add more features thanks to the prebuilt Docker and Portainer installation. Docker containers are a kind of software package that [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article Raspberry Pi - Music streaming to the Raspberry Pi via DLNA client I already described how to use the Raspberry Pi as a playback device for content from a DLNA server [...].
WeiterlesenAs the name of OpenMediaVault suggests, it is about managing media. For this you need of course also appropriate storage space. In the article NetworkAttachedStorage / NAS from a [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article Zigbee - Preparing a Sonoff zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus for zigbee2mqtt I have described how to prepare a Sonoff zigbee stick with the firmware for zigbee2mqtt [...]
WeiterlesenAs soon as you work with OpenMediaVault and use different services and plugins it makes sense to create a new user. This way you can set access rights in a well-dosed way, which will ultimately [...]
WeiterlesenFlashing the ESP8266 or ESP32 is not so easy if you haven't had much contact with microcontrollers before. But there is now something very cool that makes this process [...]
WeiterlesenAfter installing OpenMediaVault, the first thing you should do is enable HTTPS encryption for web access. This ensures that when you access the web interface of OMV all data [...].
WeiterlesenIf you often work with large or many files on the Raspberry Pi, you will sooner or later face the problem that the available memory runs out. This is what happened to [...]
WeiterlesenSince a short time there is a SMA EV Charger 22 wallbox in my network. Primarily, of course, this is used to charge an electric car. Nevertheless, I was of course curious what values [...]
WeiterlesenIn the article RaspberryPi - NetworkAttachedStorage / Building a NAS from a RaspberryPi 4 I already described that the (relatively) new Raspberry Pi 4B is also very well suited [...].
WeiterlesenAs is often the case with backups, you usually only think about making one when it's too late. That's what happened to me the other day with a [...]
WeiterlesenAs a user of the Raspberry Pi, sooner or later you stumble upon the question of how to connect and access a USB stick, external hard drive or SD card to the Raspberry Pi. [...]
WeiterlesenIt's been a while since I gave an overview of my current projects. So here's a little update 🙂 WinDIY_2 I'm working on the second version of WinDIY [...]
WeiterlesenEspEasy and Node Red each offer some automation possibilities on their own. But you get even more possibilities if you combine both systems. In the article ESPEasy - [...]
WeiterlesenThe idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me during the construction of the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-bauen/). There the pxlDigit is built from single WS2812 LED segments. For this, the LEDs must first be inserted into the 3D [...].
WeiterlesenThe Ikea SYMFONISK E1744 remote control is actually intended as a control for the SYMFONSIK WiFi speaker from Ikea. It can then be used to control the volume or change the track. Thanks to Zigbee [...]
WeiterlesenTo be honest, the idea of a 3D printable wind sensor (in technical jargon "anemometer") has been floating around in my head for quite a long time. Initially, I could have used it as a wind sensor for one of my weather stations [...].
WeiterlesenThe FRITZ!Box is not only a very good router for the home network. Equipped with the right Smart Home accessories, it can also become the Smart Home center of your house […]
WeiterlesenIn order to be absolutely sure that I have really switched off all devices (soldering iron, etc.) after leaving my workplace/desk, I have been switching off the consumers at my desk for years […]
WeiterlesenThe IKEA STYRBAR button is slightly larger than the little brother of the Ikea TRADFRI E1743 button. But it also offers a few more functions and - due to the two [...]