Flashing the ESP8266 or ESP32 is not so easy if you haven't had much contact with microcontrollers before. But there is now something very cool that makes this process [...]
WeiterlesenCategory: pxlBlck
In the category pxlBlck you will find all articles about the setup and operation of the pxlBlck IOT/SmartHome information system.
HowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlDigit_clock with the pxlDigit PCB
The idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me during the construction of the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-bauen/). There the pxlDigit is built from single WS2812 LED segments. For this, the LEDs must first be inserted into the 3D [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: PCB - Building the pxlDigit_PCB
The idea for the pxlDigit_PCB came to me during the construction of the pxlDigit (article here: https://nerdiy.de/howto-elektronik-sieben-segment-ziffer-pxldigit-aus-ws2812-leds-bauen/). There the pxlDigit is built from single WS2812 LED segments. For this, the LEDs must first be inserted into the 3D [...].
WeiterlesenHowTo: PCB - pxlBlck_multiPCB
One of my past PCB projects is the "pxlBlck_multiPCB". As the name suggests this PCB is the heart of several future pxlBlck variants. So far I have used as main MCU for many projects the [...]
WeiterlesenNews: June 2021 - My projects for the HackadayPrize 2021
A few days ago the Hackaday Prize 2021 was announced. Relatively quickly it was clear to me that I would like to try to submit a few of my projects again this year. Thereby [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_CassetteLamp
Meanwhile, MP3 players, smartphones and USB sticks with 128GB and more memory are part of everyday life. Storing and transporting music has therefore become easier than ever. About 30 years ago [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - Display relative values as BarGraph
I started with the documentation of the pxlBlcks in November 2020 after Hackaday.com announced the "GoodBye 2020"-Challenge. (More info here: https://hackaday.io/contest/175608-goodbye-2020/details) I had used [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - Building the pxlBlck_RingClock
The pxlBlck_RingClock is very similar to the pxlBlck_SlotClock. It is also built with the help of a 1×60 LED matrix and can display the time according to the same scheme as the pxlBlck_SlotClock. However, the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_8x8
The pxlBlck_8x8 was one of the first members of the pxlBlck family. Thanks to the few parts and the prefabricated WS2812 8×8 LED matrix it is quite fast to build and thanks to the adapter board it offers [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_Pot
The idea for the pxlBlck_Pot is strongly inspired by a design that Lukas (@i_am_lukas) had created. He agreed to let me take over his design. Thanks again for that 🙂 At the [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck - build pxlBlck_SlotClock
The pxlBlck_SlotClock consists of a 1×60 LED matrix. So it can display the time according to the same scheme as an analog clock. The colors of the individual hands can be adjusted. [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck – design icons, transfer them to the pxlBlck and display them
I started developing the pxlBlcks because I was looking for a way to stay informed about events in the SmartHome. In the meantime there are two in [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck – Install and configure the pxlBlck plugin
The pxlBlck-plugin for the ESPEasy framework is the "software counterpart" to the pxlBlck platforms. With the plugin you can easily control the installed LED matrices and with the help of the other functions is relatively [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck – Commands for configuring the pxlBlck
The pxlBlck-plugin or the functions of your pxlBlck can be configured in two different ways. One way is to configure most of the functions via the plugin's web menu. Many infos [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck – Configure and display animations
With the help of pxlBlck you can be informed about events in different ways. One of these ways is to display previously set icons. Unfortunately this possibility [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck – configure clock faces and screen savers
The adjustable dials differ from the type of LED matrix used. Unfortunately, this is because different matrix sizes allow or do not allow different displays. Nevertheless, to give you a small overview [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: pxlBlck – Automatic adjustment of the display brightness via LDR
If you not only want to stay informed about events with your pxlBlck and also use it to display the current time, then you may have already noticed that a fixed [...]
WeiterlesenpxlBlck - An IOT/SmartHome Information System
pxlBlck is a system of hardware and software to build an information system for the SmartHome. Various software and hardware options are available. Thanks to the integration in an EspEasy plugin can [...]
WeiterlesenHowTo: Electronics - nanoPxl V1.1 SMD components soldering
Currently I am working on the first preparations of a somewhat larger project. For this I need LEDs which shine a little brighter. At the same time I did not want to give up the comfort of the known [...]
WeiterlesenNews: Summer 2020
Dear visitors of Nerdiy.de, I've decided to post a little update every now and then (probably about four times a year) about what's going on in the background at Nerdiy.de. This one [...]
WeiterlesenpxlBlck - All information for testers of the latest pre-release
Dear testers, first of all, thank you for agreeing to test the pxlBlck plugin. 🙂 In the following I try to list everything that you need for the installation and […]